Monday, February 28, 2005

I like Mondays....

.......when they are OVER!

I think I know why I don't like working on Mondays.  My theory is that the parents of my 1 year-olds must run all weekend long, so when the kids come back Monday morning~they're all still 'hungover' and lacking in sleep.   It's the only thing that makes sense to me..... 

Most of the kids were sleepy by 9:30 and lunch isn't until 11.  One boy did not stop crying all day.  When I got there this morning, Mrs. Office Manager was in there asking if he had calmed down (he wasn't crying at that exact moment) so Mrs. Lead said he was okay.  But as soon as she shut the door, he started up again.  I bet he went an hour all day without crying, excluding his nap.  

We had another full house today, 16 kids.  Griffen wasn't supposed to be there, so he made a surprise appearance.  I just love this little chunk of a boy to death!  He is always so happy-go-lucky.  Even though he is the biggest boy in class, he's a real sweetheart.  And his daddy isn't too bad to look at either ; )   ~me-ow~  

Ms. Hurricane was there and my last one to leave tonight, too.  I had all the toys picked up and she and I were reading books when her mom came in with her older brother.  He walked in and immediately went into the play area to start getting toys out, and I said "Could you not get the toys out, please."   

He looked at me like you're not my mom, and was getting them anyway...  So I said, "Ok, but whatever you get out, you have to put back because I'm leaving now."  I put my coat on and grabbed my stuff.  That prompted Mom to say something to him and he stopped.  I hate coming across as a bitch, but I have to make my class, and any other day, Kennady would've been gone already.  Even my usual 6 o'clocker got picked up before 5 pm.....   

The pregnant substitute, I talked about her here before, had some difficulties and had a baby girl via C-section at about 30 weeks gestation last Thursday.  The baby, named Kelcie weighed 2.5 pounds, but is doing very, very well.  She is only on O2 by nasal cannula and requiring no meds, at the moment.    Apparently a blood clot had developed between the uterus and placenta~the docs said it was different from an abruption~but I don't see how?! 

Anyway, there is now a question as to if she can ever carry another child.  So sad for a girl not even 20 yet.... but at least she has Kelcie, God willing.  But everyone is optimistic and her prognosis is considered good.  

I'm going to get her something tomorrow and give it to #4 to take to her.  The baby will probably get to come home in May, when she weighs enough.  But she'll be big enough to dress in preemie clothes before you know....  

Speaking of babies, Jennifer~the pickle chickie~announced the winner of Mr. Zachary's (as she calls him) birth statistics... congrats to Jackie from Small Town Life for only being 4 ounces off his weight and right on the money in length :)   Go give some love......  

My girl has school tomorrow and I haven't even looked at her calender to see what she's supposed to bring.... I think it's purple week~I guess I'll be creative in the morning  ; )  She has to wear something purple too, which means to her that she has to put every piece of purple clothing she has, on.....  Oh well.  

I'm told the new song is playing, but I can't hear it.  Anyone ever have this problem?  I have already checked all the connections, volume controls, and sound card~ without incident.  I can't figure it out.   But, I can't stop yawning, so I'm calling it a night.   

Have a great night and tomorrow.....  


Sunday, February 27, 2005

Time flying by....

I can't believe it's Sunday already. 

I never feel like I accomplish anything from Wednesday til now....   Well, I know why this weekend went fast~I was doing taxes for everyone.  :)  

Grace went to her friend, Bailey's, birthday party yesterday.  Her first real birthday party.  (Remember my family has no other children) She had a great time, too.  Bailey turned 6 last Tuesday and her party was originally scheduled for last Saturday... until Bailey got sick.  She is really into dinosaurs and reptiles, even had an alligator-shaped cake.   

My brother's dog got slashed by something, whether animal or mineral has yet to be determined.  He cleaned it up and put in 3 stitches (yeah...he does that, even did it to himself once... Rambo  :) but it didn't do the job, so Zeus ended up at the Vet's office. 

They had to knock the dog out to clean it, it was deep and my brother waited 3 days (I'll kick him later when I see him).  He's a great dog, very well behaved and obedient.

   Picture from Hometown  

I'm heading over to Johnny's to drop his taxes off and deliver them food from Steak-n-Shake~my brother just called and asked me to....  

Ok, so I'll let him get his belly nice and full... and then I'll kick him  ;)  Poor dog..... has such a cheap-butt owner.....  

I'm getting ready to change my journal song again.  I've broken my habit of crying every time I hear'Georgia' (on my mind).... so time to move on.  

Besides, I love Gretchen Wilson's 'When I think of cheating', so it's going in next.  Just waiting for it to upload into FTP on dial-up.  So it'll be on sometime next week.... lmao.  Actually, this one only is around an hour.  

I am out of here for a few, hope all is well in J~Land.....   


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Krissy's Photos....

Ok, I am finally doing it!  

I'm joining in on Krissy's Photo Scavenger hunt  :) 

I have participated in the past, but got side tracked for awhile.... well.... I'm back.....   This week was black and white. 

How fitting~one of my most beloved treasures in the world is black and white   :)    

So photo #1 is Grace, my black and white baby in black in white:   Picture from Hometown    


#2 is of a sketch a friend did of me.  It's merely a likeness, mind you.... he draws people as he 'sees' them...  I think he does great work  :) 

   Picture from Hometown  

Hopefully, I'll get this in on time.... and I actually got FTP to work on the first try.  Maybe they do read my journal  :::winks:::  


Better late than never.....

Well, yesterday didn't go quite as planned, but that's nothing new if there's kids involved.  

Grace finally woke up around 1:30 (two hours later than I wanted to start out).  I got her dressed, rebraided her hair, and off we went.  We stopped for gas first since the gas tank showed 1/4 left.  This amount of gasoline probably would've been enough for some, but not in my guzzler.  I drive a '78 Lincoln Continental  :)   What can I say, I'm sucker for a nice, heavy, steel bound vehicle with a huge V-8 engine.   

It's kind of funny, too.  People see my car and automatically think because its an old car that they can just drive right by.... hold on~I'm laughing too hard to type...    

I'm driving back from Sam's Club and I get stopped by a light.  I had passed this BMW before, so he got in the right lane to stop at the light, I was in the left.  The light turns green (and I know he's going to try to get back in front of me), so I hit the gas and the horses under my hood hauled my ass past the dumb ass in the BMW.  I could hear his engine straining as he's trying to accelerate faster than I am.   It sounded like it was about to blow up, too.  But he kept trying, even though I was already ahead of him by that point.  

Here's a hint for those drivers who believe newer is always better.... you're wrong!  Unless one is driving a BMW made for a Gran Prix~you ain't getting in front of me.  My engine is bigger.  It doesn't matter how old a car is, just what shape the motor and transmission is in, and mine is still Tip-Top~so there Mr. Fancy schmancy BMW driver  :)  (You also pay more, a lot more, than I do for license plates and insurance)  :::raspberries:::    I waved to him as I went by  :)  

Then we went to the grocery.  It wasn't busy yet, but getting there-so we hurriedly got what we came for.  Last thing we needed was peanut butter to be finished, so I go to that aisle and who do we run into?  Dad.  He was getting stuff to make clam chowder for tonight. 

Gracie saw him at the other end of the aisle and yells "Poppy!"  He didn't hear her... so she started barking!  Yes, barking.  Of course, that got everyone's attention, including my dad.  He knows her bark by now :)  

She wanted to go with him, but we were done and Dad took her carseat out of his truck.  She didn't like it, but she went home with me.  By this time it was almost 4 o'clock, my work closes at 6 and the bank closes then, too.  So I put the groceries away and Dad came home.  Grace was tired from the other running around, so I left her with Dad while I got my check and hit the bank. 

I wasn't about to drive to the Mexican place in Friday night rush hour, which started at 4.....  We'll go another time.   I had been craving Long John Silver's since reading about it in someone's journal~can't remember whose... So, that was dinner.  I never eat this stuff~ but now and then, I'll get the urge and nothing stops it but eating some.  Eat we did.  Grace ate a whole piece of fish, cole slaw, both hush puppies, and a few fries.  I had the chicken.  I don't do fish well  :)  

Lots going on in Indy today!  Stephen Hilbert's (of Conseco) mansion and all items in it are being auctioned off today.  If you don't know about Hilbert, he cheated his worker's out of their retirement funds.  The mansion has a heliport on it as well as the usual tennis courts, swimming pools, etc.  It would suck to have all that and watch it be auctioned off at cheap prices.  Serves him right, too, though.

There are also open auditions for 'The Apprentice' and a new Martha Stewart type of show going on here today.  I am watching on the news right now and the lines of people are wrapped around the building.  But they said if folks are in line before Noon, everybody will be seen.  How cool!

In good news, we have a little 14-month-old boy from Afghanistan here at Riley Children's Hospital for heart surgery.  The military and the Shriner's are footing the $50,000 bill.  The boy's father walked with him out of the mountains searching for medical assistance not available there.  They made it to an Army medical facility, but found they couldn't do what the boy needed.  (Did anyone watch ER last week?  This is a lot like what Galant went through to get the burned girl some help).  

As much as I'm happy this adorable little boy getting the help he needs, I wonder how many others don't....  Guess I shouldn't dwell on the what if's and concentrate on the what is's  :)  Still, its good for the world to see us giving, too.  I'll keep you posted on the boy's condition as they proceed.  

Now, here it is Saturday.  I started with yet another cold yesterday, but I'm all over it with meds.  I'm tired of catching things.  I'm not sure what else I can do, short of putting myself into a plastic bubble, to stop this never ceasing load of germs from invading my body.  If I wash my hands any more during the day, I'll have no skin left.... guess that's one way  :)  

That's all from me, for now.  I didn't go out last night.  I should've.  I got Johnny's taxes done, but didn't get JC's or Mel's yet, hopefully they'll bring them by this weekend.  Wayne should be bringing my money by for his sometime today.   

Hope you all have a great Saturday.....  


Friday, February 25, 2005

On your mark, get set, wait.....

I've got tons of stuff to do today.  Of course Grace had to fight me on sleeping for an hour~so I told her if she didn't go to sleep this time, I was going without her.  It did the trick, she's knocked out.  :)  

Today is payday, so I need to get my check after the grocery and Sam's Club.  I'm doing loads of laundry in between dropping things off at home.   Getting tired just writing it.  I have to get some petro on the way.  Gracie and I are hitting our favorite Mexican Food place for a late lunch.  We usually are full til morning, too.....  

Johnny brought his tax papers over yesterday, if JC goes to eat with us (the place is right by his house), I'll get his stuff, too.  Then my 'sis', Mel, is bringing her's by this weekend.  If I can get them all done before the race on Sunday~my pockets should be well lined for a little while, because Wayne's refund should be in his account today  :)  ::winks::  

And mom will give me some of her refund because she claims Grace as a dependent.  But Dad's Social Security kind of messed her up this year.  Her income is pretty high, but she's been at the job for 41 years now.....  Next year, she'll probably owe unless she goes part time or something.... She's old enough to retire~but that's not going to happen.  I told you guys, she's a workaholic  :)    

I just need for Grace to wake up before I can start.....  

Have a great day, everyone.....  


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Pint-sized Picasso Night....

 Mood:  We'll see after I try to post this....


This is my..... oh, I lost count.... attempt to get this in here.  

Mom and Child Night at Grace's school was really fun!  It was all about being pint-sized Picassos.... and all the kids had a blast.  I think some parents even had more fun than the kids  :)  

We got there 10 minutes early and already it was crowded in areas.  The teachers had set up each room (there are 4 classrooms... small classrooms) as a different type of art project station. The kids had already 'sculpted' earlier in the week, and those were all hardened and ready to be taken home.  

One room was set up with paints.  One with beads for bracelets.  One with crayons and paper hearts to color.  And the last was tissue paper in various colors and shapes for collages.  It was funny to watch some parents 'helping' with the crafts.  This one little boy, while trying to make a bracelet for himself, gave his mom a piece of the tubing they were using and told her to make her own.  We all laughed and she stopped 'helping' him.  It was so funny :)  

Grace and I went into the crayon room first, the other rooms were pretty crowded as parents were squeezing in with their kids at the tables.  And I figured we might as well get that out of the way since its her least favorite activity  :)  We were in there all of maybe 10 minutes, and only because one of her classmates came in.  Grace was done coloring in less than 2....   Picture from Hometown Picture from Hometown  

Next we ventured to the paint room.  They provided 4" x 6" canvases for them to paint on, but most were more interested in squirting 1/2 a gallon of paint onto them from the cute little paint squirters they used to transfer it to the canvases.  They ran out of paper towels really fast in that room.  But it was all in good fun....  

Then we went into the collage room, which was Grace's actual classroom.  She could do this stuff all day!  She loves to glue things here.  One of her favs is to glue 'jewels' onto old egg cartons.  She calls them caterpillars, lizards, and snakes.  But it'll distract her for hours at times.  I don't help her either, just sit there and watch her create.   

 Picture from Hometown

Finally we made it into the now deserted bracelet-making room.  Abandoned because all the 'good' beads were taken.  But being the scavengers we are, we struck gold under the table  :)  My friend (the pregnant one from class), Lori, was there with her daughter, so we chatted while beading.      

She was helping her kid.  I stuck a bead on Grace's that fit tightly enough to hold the others on, and let her have at it.  She's been stringing beads since she was under a year old, an old pro by now.  For a moment, I thought she had a pattern going, which is unusual for her-she's more an abstract thinker so far.  But in the end, there was none visible to me.  She has her own way of thinking.  Great for her, too :)   Picture from Hometown  

Remind me I said that in about 7 or 8 years......  

They also had cheese and crackers, with little 1/2-pint bottles of water.  Grace went crazy over the little bottles, she'd never seen ones so small.  We only get the big ones around here.  We ate some and drank some, but then she was ready to leave.  She didn't want to stay for singing~ so we said bye to everyone and left.  

We still had to go to the video store to return a movie she had and she wanted to get 'Lion King' this time.  She was getting pretty sleepy, too.  So we went there and came home.  She was worn out and barely made it through dinner.  

Her buddy, Jake, was there and they hung out for a few minutes in the collage room.  I was the only one taking pictures.  Parents probably thought I was some kind of overzealous mom....  but I always take my camera with me~ you never know what you might see.....

Grace's admirer~   

Hopefully, I can finally get this in here!  


Letter #2 to AOL....

 Mood:  Don't even ask!

Dear AOL  

Hello.  It's me, again.   

I know my routine is getting old by now, but, quite frankly, so is yours.  You see, I feel I have important things to say; emotions to vent.... or, in this case, write about and I can't seem to get that accomplished.  That makes me a very unhappy camper.  

Where to begin?   

Oh, yes.  I took these great pictures and I'd love to be able to share, but can't seem to get them into the F('in)TP Space.  Well, it's not like you don't make me think I'm going to get them there.   I mean, I get to name it, and select it, and hit send and all..... but then nothing ever happens.  At least I'm no longer getting the 'Too many gateway sessions' message anymore........  

Except trying to close FTP usually means an AOL shut down and a reboot.  As if that would be the end of things, I'll get reconnected at 4800 bps~dinosaurs walked faster.   

So you know for next time, I normally get dinner and some chocolate involved before I'm teased.  I'll be waiting for my Hershey's in the mail.  You can let me know about dinner.  For the money I spend on your services and lack thereof, it'll be on you.  

Of course, to go with my pictures, I'd like to write some phrases to explain them.  I do the writing part (and I learned to save every entry pre-posting, too~thanks so much!) and attempt to add the entry into my journal.  I foolishly hit the save button, which causes AOL to go bezerk and shut down. 

So I gave up, and now have withdraws and 'mail-waiting-to-be-sent' folder ever increasing in size.    I could ask for free time, or a refund for the useless time you've cost me.  But I'm not out for blood..... yet.  No, right now, I'd settle for being able to let my friends in on my kid's event last night and my day today.  Is that too much to ask for?   I didn't think so, either.  

The second time I tell my kid to do something and she doesn't respond, she gets a time out.  So, when you're done reading this letter, go to the 'Naughty Place' for one minute per year of age.   

Thank me for my support,  


PS~ I wrote this yesterday, just couldn't get it in.  Look for your shipment of KY Jelly soon.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

UGH! Quick, give me Tylenol....

I picked the girl up from school, fed her, and put her down for her nap.  I decided to attempt to watch Dr. Phil, since I was alone.  Did anyone else watch this show?  OMG!  I wanted to smack each woman on it.

If you missed it (you didn't miss much), he was talking to couples who had weddings go awry.  Not the type one might see on America's Funniest Videos, but one's where the disaster continued into the marriage.  

Now, as you know, I've never been a girl who dreamt of her wedding day.  I never dwelled on wanting that 'perfect day'.  Why?  Because I've always known that marriage is not about the wedding day (thanks Mom and Dad).  I'm more for a quickie JP (justice of the peace) ceremony and spend all the money on the reception type of chickie :)  

People (more specifically, women) who believe that if their wedding day doesn't go perfectly, their entire marriage will be doomed ~ should not ever get married.  It is totally unrealistic to expect everything to go as planned.  If it does-great!  I'm just saying do not expect it.  

As a matter of fact, I would assume everything would get screwed up just to try to prepare myself mentally for when it actually does.  My life philosophy is 'Expect the worst and hope for the best.'  I doubt my wedding day would be reason to change that.   

This one lady, who I wanted to jump through the screen and choke for a few minutes, was whining because it rained on her wedding day.  So now, when she and her husband disagree on what movie to see--the lady is like "Well, lets just get a divorce then!"  Um.... hello?  Be glad I'm not your man  :)  I'd be wishing you luck that the door didn't smack your ass on the way out..... then again.....  :)  The whiny ass woman- child who cried divorce when she doesn't get her way... boo F'in hoo.  

Then, the woman who was pissed because her husband got temporary amnesia!  Come on....  Like he could help it.   Her father punched her husband at the reception (it was supposedly a friendly 'welcome to marriage, son-in-law, kind of hit on the jaw).  The hubby fell backwards and ended up in the hospital.   

The couple missed their honeymoon and their wedding night together.  The woman was saying that their whole marriage is sour because they missed their consummation that night.  Well.... um.... I bet its a safe guess to say they had already slept together before they got married... so what's the big deal?!  Why would sex on your wedding night change a marriage?  I so don't get it.  

 Isn't it possible that these women's expectations got the better of them?  I mean, no one really believes that if their wedding is not perfect-it can really affect the marriage.... do they?  Please tell me no.  

Unbelievable~shaking my head.......  


(Don't) touch me in the morning.....

I got a call from work at 7:30 am.  I was sleeping so good then, too.  Mom yells upstairs for me to get the phone and I do. 

Mrs. Receptionist/Scheduler/Personnel/Office Manager asks me if I can come in for a few hours to help them out.   

My brain was still asleep, so my mouth did the thinking for it.  "Sure", I told her, "but I have to go at noon to take the girl to school at 12:30."  I hung up the phone and my brain suddenly wakes up and says WTF?    But I went in. 

She only needed me from 9-12, and in the 2-yr-olds room, so it wasn't a big deal.  But you know how you get your mind set for doing other things and then something comes along and blows your plans out of the water?  I do.   

Because I wasn't home, Grace didn't take a nap before school.  Believe me, she needs one, too.  Poor Mrs. Preschool Teacher.....  Since we have the mom/kiddo thing tonight~she'll have to take one when she gets home and eats, or I'll have a grumpy Gracie on my hands.   

I also wanted to give her a bath pre-party because it'll be pretty late for her when we get home tonight to do it.  Now that's not going to happen either.  Baths make her so sleepy, she'll be a bear if I take her out of the house afterwards.  Crap!  

Note to folks here:  If you ever need me to do something for you-do not ask me in the morning...... unless, of course, it's something you know I'll say 'no' to, then definitely ask me then  :)  

I suck in the mornings......  


Monday, February 21, 2005

Thanks, Mr. Presidents.....

I have a new found love for President's Day  :)  Only when I worked for USAC did I get this holiday off.  I know there are not that many businesses that close to celebrate it, other than government offices, postal services, and schools.     Why am I so happy? 

Because, it's President's Day..... that means some parents were off work and we only had 12 kids today, until noon, then 1 left, leaving us 11.  And Ms. Hurricane was not one of them  :)  :)  :)     

It was so peaceful and quiet with only a couple episodes of fighting babies.  But, I did notice that time moved very slowly.  Why is it when there is no chaos, each second takes ten minutes to pass?  And, of course, my 6 o'clocker's were there.... it's not like I ever expect to ever be able to leave early like the others do.    

Yeah, because we only had 12, as soon as I walked in the door, Asst #3 left for the day (there were 3 of us left, state ratio is 4:1).  When #4 came in, #2 left early, too.  I'm not going to like that... I can just tell.  Ms. Cat may just 'be late' on the next holiday :)    

I made my class tonight, despite trying to talk myself out of going all day.  We talked about instilling thinking skills in kids and watched a short movie (we watch one for each class) showing parents reading with their kids and how they got the kids to interact.  It was a short lesson as all the parents there already do these things.  But I did find a connection with this topic and one of my daycare kids.     

This one little girl does nothing for herself.  She will stand in the middle of a room full of toys and not make a move until another kid has a toy.  Then she wants that one.  This girl won't play with toys on her own, it's like she doesn't have a clue of how to figure out which toy she wants.  She basically can't think for herself yet, or isn't allowed to.    

We were reading tonight before the last two got picked up, and she wouldn't take a book from the pile.  She wanted the one the other girl had.  So, the other girl gave it to her and got another book.  Then she wanted that one... and it continued.     

Now, I know that at home, this child doesn't get a chance to do for herself at all.  She does have an older sister who is around 6 or 7, so I'm assuming the older does for the younger.... ALL THE TIME.     

Her language skills are lacking because of it, too.  She points and grunts.  Again, I'm assuming someone just gives her what she wants instead of making her tell them, or at least repeat its name after they say it.  Not the best thing for a kid.  But kids like this, I feel, are better off at daycare.  She'll learn faster being with kids her age.     

Ok, what else?    

Gracie has class tomorrow and the mother/child thing in the evening.  So, that should be fun.  Let me go charge my batteries now... so I'll have a new set ready.  Done.  I sure hope Jacob is there, Gracie may be disappointed if he isn't.  He showed her a new karate move... lol.  She does it and says "Look, Mommy, Jacob taught me that."  It's so cute.  She's so funny....    

Mom is okay and went to work today.  Nothing keeps her down for long.  She only takes vacation days from work long enough to travel to her destination and return to work the day after she arrives back home.  She's always been a workaholic.  Though Grace around has slowed her down.... some.   

We're supposed to be heading up to PA in June (winks to Nae and Val).  I'm not sure yet if I can go, but Grace is supposed to go with Mom and Dad.  Grace will meet the rest of my Mom's side of the family. 

She only knows my Grandma, and two aunts.  Mom's side is huge, unlike my Dad's~where my brother and I are the only children born from my Grandma's four kids, and Grace is the last in line, for now.  Who knows... that may change.    

I'm off to watch 'Super Nanny'.  I didn't get my fill of kids today  :) My only problem with this ow is how Jo leaves and always has to come back.  Is there a point to that?  Will there be a family who gets it on the first try?  I hope so, or her leaving is simply pointless.

Have a nice night..... 


PS~ Hey, Bri~ I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack, though a 'few' words shy of your quota  :::winks:::

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sap-filled Sunday...

Here it is... Sunday, again.  Why does it seem like the days I have off, fly by?  I mean I only work two days a week, and those two days seem to come around so quickly.   

Watched the race at home because Mom was sick all night and Dad went to his friend's house to watch.  I was sure hoping Stewart wouldn't win, but much rather would've had him than Gordon.....  I don't like either, honestly.  Nothing against their driving skills~its about attitude with me.  If you ask Grace about Jeff Gordon, she'll tell it like it is "Jeff Gordon's a crybaby"  :)     

Mom is okay now.  She got a little full of it yesterday, drinking a few beers in the afternoon, then a vodka martini, straight-up, in the evening.  We ate pizza, salad, and a birthday cake Gracie and I made to honor her daddy.  Guess Mom overloaded her system.....  

I sure missed being here in J~land all day, I have over 50 alerts waiting for my response, but I do have all night to catch up...well, part of it, anyway.  I'm watching Extreme Makeover, Home Edition right now.  It's amazing what they can do in a week!  The stories always get through my armor plating, and I get teary every time......  

I'm trying to make it to watch Desperate Housewives~I missed it last week and Lost, too..... <double frowny faces>  :(  :(    I have no idea how I missed Lost, either..... but rest assured I kicked my butt for it.  Can you tell I'm also addicted to TV?  Take my Tele and my 'puter away, and I think I'd lose my ever~loving mind....again.  

Tomorrow is my long day-work and class... only 3 more classes to go after Monday night's   :)   They can just cut me my check now and I'd be happy.  But to get me through to the end, I'll just keep thinking I'm making $12.50 an hour to sit and listen.  Hey... that's almost what I made at the hospital an hour and it has been a long time since I've made that kind of dough  :)  

Gracie has a Mother/Child night at her school Tuesday, so I'll try and get pictures of Grace and Jacob (who she calls her friend, because "Mommy said I can't have a boyfriend until I'm in college.")  Which is what she told her whole classroom, last Tuesday when Jake announced to the teacher that Gracie is his girlfriend.  At least the girl listens to me about that, for now  :::winks:::  

Well, I'm going to engross myself in the tube for awhile and maybe delve into my secret stash......  

Hope you all had a great Sunday.....  


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Gentlemen, start your engines....

Ok, you guys have suffered through football with me and won't have to deal with that until next season.  

So, now you get to deal with me and NASCAR  :)   

More specifically, I mean Newman #12 

Ryan Newman's background isn't exactly typical of a top-tier race car driver, but his results certainly are. The South Bend, Ind., native has a bachelor's degree in Vehicle Structure Engineering from Purdue University (my brother's alma mater).  **I met Ryan when he was racing midget cars for USAC, I used to work for them.  Met Tony Stewart, too~he's an ass in real life,too, if you're wondering  :)

Sponsor: ALLTEL
Owner: Roger Penske
Crew Chief:
Matt Borland
Car: Dodge 

and Kahne #9. 

Kasey Kahne comes from a grass roots background. His first competitive laps came on dirt tracks in his home state of Washington. He won four races in his first season running Micro Midgets

Sponsor: Dodge Dealers/UAW
Owner: Ray Evernham
Crew Chief:
Tommy Baldwin Jr.
Car: Dodge


With best wishes for Jr. #8, always  :)    

Before he was the face of NASCAR's new generation, Dale Earnhardt Jr. was very proud of his skills as an oil changer at his father's car dealership in North Carolina.  

Sponsor: Budweiser
Owner: Teresa Earnhardt
Crew Chief: Pete Rondeau

Car: Chevrolet 


{I always have to have three..... don't know why} I also would never own a Dodge vehicle... go figure  :)  

Tomorrow officially kicks off the chase for the Nextel Championship at the Daytona 500.  The race that claimed the life of one of the best.  Be sure to hold up three fingers during the tribute.....  

He'll be watching and so will I.....  


*Images from*

Happy Birthday 'to my baby daddy'...

Today is Grace's Dad's Birthday.  He is 50, half a century old, Silver, in anniversary years. 


He is unlike most 50 year olds I've met.  He works two jobs through the week, and another one the weekends.  He works out daily, or every other day, minimum.  He never has eaten on a regular basis, but only does so when he's hungry.  He rarely eats out and hardly ever touches junk food.

                            Picture from Hometown  

He keeps himself current in music, fashion, news, politics, and most other things.  He is honest, all about respect~giving and getting, and I believe he will be loyal to the one he chooses to marry.  He is a good man.  He is a good father, though not given the opportunity to prove that often.  He sees Grace more than the others.



                                                                                                    He is intelligent.  His thoughts will intrigue you, if not astound at times.  He is ambitious and makes it contagious to those around him.  He has never smoked, or done drugs, and rarely drinks~despite having been in a fraternity in college.  

I think the world of him.   


Happy Birthday, Wayne~ My soul is connected eternally......  


Friday, February 18, 2005

Stating facts....

I had a couple experiences this week I never fully shared.  I did mention part of the first in my Grammy entry.  

One happened last Sunday as I was buying Gracie a booster seat at Big Lots (for those who don't have stores by this name~its a surplus store that sells overstock and discontinued stuff really cheap).  I got an Eddie Bauer high-back booster seat for $50.00 (65% off).   

It was hard to close the latch on her carseat in Mom's car (it was an over-the-head bar type~not my favorite).  I prefer the 5-point harness type restraint, they just look safer to me and more comfortable.....  

So, I go in and find the last one of the type I wanted.  The box was open, so I'm all bent over looking inside trying to make sure all the parts are there, instructions, etc.... when I feel people go by.   It looks fine, so I grab it in its huge box. 

There were no carts available, so I'm carrying this open box when I heard the voice I never thought I'd hear again.   I turned around to see HIM.  We made eye contact.  I think I smiled my evil grin, but I can't remember... it happened so fast. 

Once I realized it was actually him, I tried to get to a place I could observe without drawing too much attention to myself.... after all, I really didn't want to strike up a conversation.  Just get some answers like why is he working there?  Is he still married?   

I never could see if the ring was on his finger.  I couldn't remember if he ever wore a ring.  He was my first love.  He would've been first at 'other' things, but he was stationed in Okinawa... and I was 17, and in search of love... here, now.  So, he was second on the other... I think.  It's been 20 years....  My, how time flies....  

He still looked the same.... and unfortunately, still sounded as loud and obnoxious as always.  You know, the 'God's gift' type... although far from it, in reality....  I know he recognized me as much as I did him.  It was after me, that he got married.  

See, I have this thing about being the last girl someone dates before the men get married.  It has happened with every man I have dated, except for Grace's dad.  I give a whole new definition to 'always a bridesmaid, never the bride'.  

The first was Jimmy, who I dated while Tom was gone.  Jimmy and I dated for a year.  I have never been one to make demands, so he had it pretty easy.  Then one day, he called my friend, Connie, and told her he ran into an old girlfriend at a gas station.   

This chick was pregnant by another man, but he left her.  Next thing I know, about 6 days later... Jimmy and his new love are at the JP, getting hitched.  It seems she didn't want her kid to be born to a single mom.  I was floored.  I couldn't grasp what had happened it was all so fast.  I still see Jimmy, though we don't speak either.   

Then Tom came home, and we dated for two years.  I was at work at the hospital.  I still worked in Dietary then, so I had people all around me.  When the same friend called to tell me Tom had met someone and was going to marry her.  I think I lost my composure.... I can remember a buddy coming up and hugging me and that's it....  

There were a few more, along the way... though they weren't as hard to take as these were.  Most likely because I almost expected to happen.  In time, I've come to view it as a blessing more than a curse.  I didn't want to be married to any of those guys  :)  

The second thing that happened was on Wednesday, at work.  I went in to find Mrs, Lead, and #'s 2, 3, and Speckled girl, for 16 kids.  As I wrote already, the new girls did nothing but cry.  I was trying to comfort one of them, Emily, and this girl was crying like I was hurting her.  Well, I look up and see Speckle eyeballing me and mouthing some crap about I don't know what I'm doing.  Strike 1.  

So, I say to her  "I can't get her to stop" and I put her down.  She knows Speckle because she is a floater and goes to all the rooms.  Emily goes back over to her and is still crying.  It's almost snack time, so Speckle gets up and goes over the wall to help out and Emily starts up again. 

I'm on the floor with Ms. Hurricane, making sure she's not tackling anyone.   Speckle spats at me "why don't you pick her up?" I said "Because it'll just make it worse, she's not used to me yet." (Emily had only been in there for two hours).  That prompted her to roll her eyes at me....  I'm starting to feel my blood pressure rise now.  Strike 2. 

I already didn't feel well, having not started medicating my sinuses.  I was waiting....  

Luckily for Speckle, Susie came in and moved her to a different room.  She has no idea how close she came.  Neither does anyone there, actually.  I can handle anything, even disrespect from a kid.  But when I'm not 100%--that changes the dynamics of it all.  I don't tolerate people making things harder for me~especially when sick.  

Now, I know to avoid her when possible.  And hope she's not around much.  I'm not sure why we had 5 people in the room anyway.  We normally only have 4, ratio must be 4:1 max.  Must have been an overscheduling error.....

On a me note~I seem to be getting better, guess the antibiotics are working as fast as I was told  :)   

Hope everyone has a great night....  


Thursday, on Friday....

I started writing this yesterday.  Luckily, I've learned to save (or try to) my entries several times throughout the process of writing and adding it into here. Which was a good thing, because I was getting some music files and AOL went nuts... again.  

So, this is yesterday's entry--first for today :)  

Well, today seems okay... sinuses still a little throbby.... but nothing I can't handle.  Thank Goodness, too :)   Now let's keep hoping all the other germy's I've been exposed to bounce off....  

Gracie is at school, of course without a nap... I'm sure she'll be a grump when I pick her up.  But that's ok, I'll put her down when she comes home and have some more peace and quiet  :)   And I need to look up some property sites for her Dad still. 

Now that alerts are working, again.... for the moment... I've been getting caught up on my reading here (and it takes priority over looking up property :)  

Why is it, I can't remember everyone I read without being alerted for it?  Are we all alert dependent or is it just me?  Hell.... I can't even remember to come back and look for comments in my own J's..... having just read some that were done days ago... I must try harder not to use alerts so much.

A few hours later..... 

Well, Grace never took a nap, so she went to bed early :)  Which means I get to watch 'Survivor' in peace....  I wish the winner would be chosen  by surviving, not by personality or who got people mad less.  Oh well, guess my opinion only counts if I'm a writer for the show....  

I'm so tired tonight, I may not make it through the show. I haven't slept that well the past few nights, despite my self medicating :)   

Off, with my head....  


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Mid-week wrap up...

Ok, let me run down my week so far....  

Monday~V-Day~My sinuses started their thing Sunday, but I went to work, as usual.  We had 16 kids (2 new that did nothing but stand in one place and cry... no.... make that a screaming cry... ALL DAY!    

Emily W., who is just cute as can be-- and when she smiles.... Oh My God... this girl should be famous some day.... and Olivia, a dark eyed, dark haired beauty who has the most piercing cry I've ever heard.  We had our Valentine's Day party, which was alright... but they are 1-yr-olds, you know...    Some parents came and those kids went home early.  I was there until 5:50 (woo-hoo), so I made my class on time for a change :) 

We talked about bedtime issues and how to get kids to go to & stay in bed.  I think I was the only one who didn't have a problem getting their kid to go to bed.    Gracie loves her bed and her room.  Sure, she argues some when I tell her it's bedtime.... but once she's in bed-she's asleep. 

They asked me my 'trick' and I said she's been sleeping in her room since she was 9 months old.  Same ritual, same time... all the time.  It'll be harder the older the child gets....  Super Nanny is on it, most of the time.  :)  

Tuesday:  Sinuses throbbing.... it was 65 degrees (F) outside and sunny.  Do you think I got to enjoy any of it?  A big fat NOPE on that... I spent my day laying on the couch, puking in between taking and picking the girl up from school.  I called work to see if anyone else got sick, but no one did.  

I didn't 'feel' bad other than the sinuses... just couldn't keep anything down. (And don't even go there....unless God himself knocked me up~that's out of the question).  So, Mom got a doc to get me a Z-pak (Zithromax)... and that thing cost $63.99 for 6 pills!  It better knock this out in one day for that money!  

Today:  I went to work only to find out one of the kids who was there on Monday had pink eye, Ms. Hurricane had the runs x6 on Tuesday (plus 3 more that night) and was there today and had 2 more..... she went home early.  My sinuses still hurt.....  now my throat is sore (There was a case of strep throat in Gracie's classroom last week -the day before their V-Day party....but she is fine).  

Now... other than pregnancy, I don't get sick (I don't count colds as sick)...... or.... I used to not get sick.  I take vitamins and wash my hands all the time....knew I should've invested in Airborne, damn it... but this sucks.  I will not be sick all the time.... I can't be~I'm such a baby when I'm sick.  Of course, I'm still smoking.... not as much, but still am.   

So, that's where things stand at this moment.  Tomorrow is either worse or better.... we'll see  :)   I was supposed to have a staff meeting tomorrow, but it was postponed.  That may be a very good thing....    

Have a good night all.... hope alerts start working soon  :)  


Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day :)

What do you get the girl who has everything and wants nothing?  


Herself, of course  :)    


Here is your horoscope for Monday, February 14:

You are, hands down, one of the most romantic signs in the zodiac. You'll prove that to your lucky companion now, and it won't be tough. Just be yourself. What could possibly be better than being with you on Valentine's Day?


Yes, friends, I had a great V-Day..... just being with me~aren't I the luckiest girl in the world...  :)  

Hope yours was just as great.....  


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Grammy goings on....

I'm watching the Grammy's and so far, I like what they're doing.  I thought  the introduction was awesome :)  I love everybody they had on~and it all sounded so good together at the end!  

Alicia Keys (isn't she just gorgeous?!) and Jamie Foxx truly got off with the tribute to 'an old friend'.... My favorite song ever is Georgia (on my mind).  Something from my childhood.  And every time I hear it.... I cry.  Damn it~and I made it a long time without crying!  Time to break myself of that~so guess what my next journal song will be :)  

I don't get the chance to listen to music often, unless I'm upstairs or in the car.  Well, we listen to music, but its kid stuff, classical, foreign, not usually on a radio station stuff... unless its NPR, of course.  (I'm a sucker for Garrison Keillor...his voice).   

I don't have a problem with music, but I certainly don't want my 3-year-old walking around singing 'Drop it like its hot'!  Her dad doesn't want her to listen to any of it.. ever, as far as he's concerned (and he's a DJ).  But he knows that's not realistic, too.  

Oh sweet... U2 is on  :)    :)  Double smileys!  Bono~ whewww...... and I love this song, too.  That's the thing about the Grammy's- a little of everything, just the way I like it.....  I write down songs as I hear them~then download them, from my secret spot    :::winks:::  

Cool, too, for Zeppelin winning the Lifetime Achievement Award.. Green Day won for 'American Idiot'  :)  And Queen Latifah is doing a great job as hostess for the evening.   Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez are on now, first time appearance singing together for the couple.  Good thing I understand Spanish, too :::laughs:::  Its a really beautiful song about 'Our Lives'.  And damn, her dress is hot!  Then again, I expect nothing less from her~she's beautiful, too.   

Oh sweet hell~Southern Rock... time to get up and shake it, again  :)  Gretchen Wilson is one of those singers who will be around a very long time.  Her voice is refreshing, and different.... Lynyrd Skynyrd is the epitome of Southern Rock, too....   

And this next song is my first dance with a guy song... 'Fooled around and fell in love'.  'Ramblin Man' is another one from my kid days.... Wow... I love this :)  And no better way to end than with 'Sweet Home, Alabama'....ahhhh.... Ok, sweating now  :)  

I bought this CD of the Queen's... the Jazz one.  Her voice is enchanting, no matter what she sings.... Jazz and the Blues are what I listen to most often, with country, alternative, and classical in between.  (I even like Opera, Big Band, and Canteen music :)   

Maroon 5 had some pretty tough competition in the 'New Best Artist' category... they beat out Kanye West, Gretchen Wilson, and Joss Stone (who I just love)... I'm going to have to check into them now.   Green Day is on again, singing their winning hit.  I usually listen to them when I'm hanging with my brother and the boys... 

Ricky Martin, I've been a fan of his since he was in Menudo (I was a preteen and took Spanish from 6th grade until my senior year).  Alicia Keys just won... she's so fine~ a true complete package!  

While there's a commercial on, I must tell you... I ran into my first true love today while buying a booster seat for Grace.  I heard his voice ~its loud and obnoxious and unforgettable.  I tell you I about went in my pants!  Twice!!  We made eye contact, and I know he knew who I was.. I didn't say a word.  Smiled and carried the box (No carts available~it was 'Big Lots' for those who have them in their areas..)  I'll do an entry about him next... I was trying to look to see if he still wore a ring....  

Oooooo, Kaaannnnnyeeeeee, Baby!  <shivers down my spine on what I would do with that>   Listen to the words... Grace could listen to that, for sure.  Daaay-yummm.....  Good thing I still need to take a shower... or I'd need another......  The special effects were cool to.   

'I'll fly away'... another great song (so, many I forget about them all).  This one was also sung on the soundtrack to 'O Brother, Where Art Thou', which I own, of course.   Kanye West wins, I didn't pay attention for what... His acceptance speech is on the money, though :) 

Now, Joss Stone is participating in a tribute to Janis.  Joss is another who'll be around awhile.  If you've never heard her... check her out soon.  Melissa Ethridge (shaved head and all) is joining her in one of Ms. Joplin's greatest hits.... 'Take another piece of my heart'... maybe that'll be my next J-song  :::laughs:::  

Tim McGraw is on with 'Live like you are dying'... some music just makes you cry....  But in a good way :)  If this song doesn't get to you... you either have no emotions or on great anti-depressants...  

A tribute to the Carter Family for Lifetime Achievement for Gospel.  Yea!  Loretta Lynn won for best country album...  The Coal Miner's Daughter is still at it...  nothing but smiles from me on that, too :)  

John Mayer is on now.  He sings mellow music.. for when I'm chillin :::winks:::  kinda like Dylan... to me.  Lisa Marie Presley is on presenting for best rock group or duo, won by U2....   

The Tsunami Relief Group effort was awesome, singing 'Across the Universe' from the Beatles.  Song of the year is taken by John Mayer for 'Daughters'.... I'm not surprised.  

Taking a shower... so I'm going to miss some awards and performances.  

Ok, I'm back... man, there were a lot of performers who passed away.... and no one better to sing here than Bonnie Raitt... my dad liked her when he was younger  :)  do you guys know I adore organs?!  Musical ones, I'm talking about here...  

We're on to the Album of the Year.  And the award goes to..... 'Genius loves company' from Ray Charles, God rest his soul....  So, that was the last award.  I think it was one of the best I've seen in a long time...  

Alright... I'm off to bed.  Mondays are so long, but only four classes left after tomorrow  :)  

Happy Heart Day!  

Have a nice night, everyone.....  


PS~ I don't believe alerts are working still... hopefully, I won't miss anyone  :)

An important message....

I got this in an email from the Ohana for life Group....  

 I felt it was too important not to share.... though I am sure many who read here have already done so  :)       

 Its a simple task for a major endeavor~to catch breast cancer in early stages.   

 I'll even add the link to my favorite places, so every time you are here... you can click on the site and then on the pink ribbon.     Help, it only costs you a few minutes.....        

Please tell ten friends to tell ten others today!   The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman .  

It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle). This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors / advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.

Thank you for your support....  


Saturday, February 12, 2005

They can bite me~

AO Hell is at it again.... comment alerts aren't working!  

So, please, email me if you leave a comment after this posts... I've already read the ones previous to this.  

Sorry for the inconvenience but.... Your comments are very important to me, and I don't want to overlook any. 

I will email if I leave any at your places, too....  

Thanks everyone  :)  


Saturday's Sharks....

 Today's errands turned into more of an adventure.  I had only planned on going to the store for a few items, but instead opted to go with Mom and Gracie who were going to a place called 'Sharkies' to eat, then to the park (it was 55 F outside today).  

Well, I wasn't impressed with the food at the place as all they offered was pizza.... and that's a hit or miss with Grace.  Sometimes she'll eat it, sometimes not..... and most times-its not.  So we got ice cream because she was into the extremely large fishtank with sharks in it (Um...hence the name :)    I liked the place, though. 

There was one wall that was completely painted into a mural of an underwater scene, Nemo and SpongeBob included, with stuffed sharks hanging from the ceiling (I didn't ask if they were real or not), but they looked like it.  They have a small game room with skeeball-2 versions of it, an air hockey table (I love to play it, too), and a video game with Ms PacMan and Galaga (two of my childhood fav's).  So, Gracie and I played a couple games.  

Her favorite saying now is "You're the best!"  So, everytime we rolled a ball and more tickets came shooting out of the slot, she say "Oh Momma, you're the best!"  She wouldn't turn them in though~they were hers she said  :)  Hey.... the girl still has our ticket stubs from the State Fair last August.....  My little packrat  :)  

After ice cream, we went to a new Mexican place (new meaning one we'd not been to before).  The food was okay, pretty bland for Mexican food though.  Grace ate a lot and that was the point.  They had some very cute and nice smelling waiters, too.....  I should've ordered them for lunch  ;)  

Next we went to get some parts on my glasses replaced.... I cannot wait to order more contacts!  Glasses drive me nuts....  but I do love sunglasses... almost as much as shoes  :)  While I went into the optical shop, Mom and Grace went to the store (a few shops down). 

We met in Fashion Bug because I wanted to check out their clearance stuff... I wasn't happy with the choices.  But I did get a pair of pants for work.  I should be set for work clothes until warm weather hits~then I have no idea what I'll wear.  

Gracie was worn out after the last stop, good thing we were finished.  We came home, she played with 'Aunt' Karen for awhile.  I gave her a bath (though she was begging for a shower) and put her tired butt to bed.  Now I have to get my tired butt to bed at a decent hour tonight  :)  

I imagine we'll go back to Sharkie's if anything for the games and ice cream.  Its a nice little place to get away for awhile.  And since Gracie hasn't quite grasped the concept of skeeball~ one quarter lasts a long, long time  :)  And I can polish up my Galaga skills! 

Doesn't take much to make this girl happy  :)  

Have a nice night J~Land.....  
