Well, I do not have my saved previous entry anymore! So, I will try to recall some info.... It has been over a week :)
Grace's recital (Sunday before last) went great! She did try to run right off the front of the stage again, but luckily Mrs. Dance Teacher caught her first :) She did things semi on cue, but hey~much better than I expected ;) I was (am) a very proud Momma!
We did have to leave before the grand finale, so she won't be on that part of the DVD. She was so tired and wanting to expend some stored energy, which could not be done inside the school auditorium....
Oh well, it'll be enough to see her on stage and the other performers also. She seemed to enjoy it, as did the audience who Ooooo'd and Ahhhhh'd when the young ones were out doing their things.
My neck was on the mend... until Wednesday morning while in the shower. It started spasming when I went to wash my hair. I had to call work and cancel myself for the day, which sucked because we were leaving the next day on vacation and I took today (Monday) off already~ so I've missed two days, again.
Yeah, the 12 hour drive in freakin hot, humid weather with a sprung neck is fun, let me tell you! Thankfully, I had muscle relaxers ;) I can't sleep in a moving car (even with the assist), so I was exhausted by the time we arrived at 9:30 pm, e.t.
Grace had also spiked a fever of 102 right before we left. It hung around until Saturday evening. I took her swimming, anyway, though. The pool room was sauna-like, but the water itself was not heated, so I took her in to help with the fever. We were alone, so I didn't freak on spreading her germs around (any more than they already had been).
She didn't eat until Saturday night, then she was starving! She was drinking though and going to the bathroom, so I know she didn't get dehydrated. She is fine now, just a lingering congestive cough.. but its loose, so she's on the mend :)
Mom and Dad had an adjoining room to Grace and I, that was nice. She and I took a tour of the hotel after we settled in and went to look at the indoor pool. Grace has been in one public swimming pool when she was 1, so it was a whole new experience. She loves water, just like her mommy :)
With water wings and an inflatable ring, she was good to go! I think she'll get the hang of swimming quickly. I'll look into lessons from the local Y. Although, even with lessons, I could not learn to swim above or on the water~ I swim under water, like a dolphin ;) It took me two times to pass a life-saving class because of this....
My brother appeared on Saturday around 2:30 am, I love having him around! :) I didn't even think to leave a key card for him at the desk, so he called up and left the door unlocked. He drove right from work, so he was beat.
We met up with relatives on Saturday. It was 90 and 100% humidity! I was boiling and to top that off, it was 'that' time.... Do I need to say how much of a bitch I was?! I really tried to contain it, but let's just say other people weren't so careful around me...
All 3 of my mom's sisters were there and my grandma~good for them to get together as you never know when it will be the last time. My cousin, Debby, was there. I hadn't seen her since I was in her wedding in 1982! She had 3 of her 4 children there, as well as her 2 grandkids!
It was funny (to us), being only 6 years apart, that she is a grandmother of an almost 2, and 1 year old and I am the mother of a 3 year old :) Her oldest boy was only 16 or 17 when his first was born. Can't say anyone was happy about that. Nor when #2 came along 18 months later... but, over now and they're here, so they'll deal :)
Now, that being said, let me tell you about Saturday. The above mentioned children were pretty much dropped off at the porch, the youngest being secured in a carrier. The eldest running amuck, totally unattended by his parents~who were off playing a game of frisbee golf.
This may be okay in a well contained area... may be, I said. But my aunt's place is totally not child proof! Especially the outside... They live in the sticks, with animals and a big pond~a big OPEN pond! No fence, nada, zip, zilch...
Where do you think little Mr. loose and fancy free ended up? Of course~by the pond! My mother was attempting to keep her mother company. I was chasing all over after Grace making sure she had no mishaps. The 2 of us were watching and chasing this child, alternately, until I had enough!
No one else was paying attention to this kid. I got pissed and finally told them, after retrieving him 3 times from the bank of the damn pond, to keep him away from it.
I was dripping with sweat just sitting outside. Climbing up and down the hills of her property after the kids~ damn skippy~ I was not a happy camper! Cramps to boot, no, I was beyond foul!!
Young kids should not be parents~ there should be automatic adoption laws for such cases. A relative can still adopt it, but it makes a person of legal age responsible!
This boy would have been in the pond, and most likely drowned by the time they noticed. It sucked.
We left there, because dad and I were bitchy, which pissed mom off. Understandable, it is her family and all. And I apologized repeatedly and felt guilty... but then they all met up at the OIP (Original Italian Pizza), and all was well, again :)
We left the hotel for home around 8:30 am, Sunday. It was hot the entire trip there, the whole time there, and the whole way home. But as soon as we the Indiana/Ohio state line~it dropped 20 degrees in the snap of a finger :)
Then the rain began, and I finally cooled off. I didn't resist leaving my air-conditioned hotel room while Grace was sick, either :) I soaked it all in, wish I could have stored it ;)
Glad to be here, again, with all my J~land pals....