Did anyone watch 20/20's Stupid in America: How we cheat our kids?
Oh. My. God.
I am so fucking pissed off, its not funny. I stayed up until 2 this morning talking to Grace's dad, who had no idea our schools were this shitty. I've been telling him for years, but this was the proof he needed to believe me.
Now, because I have friends in different countries, I knew our educational system (K-12), needed some serious work, but shit, I never knew things were this bad....
This program had so much information, I know I'm missing some key points, but the jist of it is...
Two words: Teacher's Union.
Monopoly in Teachers
These self-preserving morons don't give a rat's ass about your kids and their education. The give themselves raises with the money that is supposed to educate our children. They have created so many loopholes, that incompetent teachers cannot be fired.
Stossel unfolded a three page flow chart with so many arrows redirecting the steps to fire a crappy teacher. Un-fucking-real. In absolutely no other area would this corruption fly. Crappy doctors can be sued for malpractice, as can lawyers. I think teachers should be held accountable, too....
I have worked at jobs where the slackers were rewarded, and kept their jobs. But this is about our kids. Their future. The next in line to be in control of our country.
I had a theory once that the US keeps the poor kids in the poor schools and the rich, well... they can afford to go wherever they want. And it's the latter, who the current power mongers, want to be in positions of power in their adulthood. It seems to be more than theory....
Now, we all now where I'm going with this, right? Keep the poor, poor.
I'd really hate to believe that this is true, but after seeing this report, I'm almost sure of it. Rich kids do not attend public schools.
Get this, public schools get $10,00.00 per student, per year, to teach them. The money is attached to the child's zip code, and not to the child. John Stossel looked at Belgium's schools and found that their money was attached to the student, so parents could send their child to the school that is BEST for the child, not because of where they live.
Stossel also stated that the longer kids stay in our public school system, the worse their education. He said that our grade school kids test above average, but by high school they're at the bottom. Belgium's kids tested at 76%, our kids (high school, one of the best in NJ) got a 46%.
Making the Grade
Then he talked about how our schools are set up. Most other countries have specialized high schools, like one for science, one for engineering... you get the point. We have this standard set up for our schools, and most half ass teach the same curriculum. We are obviously not the best in the world.
When is something going to be done?
I am on a letter writing campaign. Every person in a position of power in my state is getting one. As will others who I feel will take this matter into consideration and address it, like Oprah. I want to see progress and I'm hoping those who read this, see the report (click the links above), will join me in writing letters to Mayors, Governors, and Congress, anyone elected to office....
My wheels are turning.
I made arrangements after Grace was born, to send her overseas to school after 6th grade or homeschool her. Either way, she will not fall into the same downward spiral I saw last night. I cannot allow that to happen. I know many people cannot fathom sending their child away... but I see it for her own good. I was backed up in my decision, with this program....
I'm off to see just what it takes to start a school. If it is something I can accomplish, all my friend's kids are welcome :)
Just don't let this go. Please!
It is too important to let it continue the way it is. Teacher's unions need to be dissolved and revamped, with a system for checks and balances... just like our government has.
Don't let your kids down...