Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well hello there!
It seems as though time has gotten away from us again.  I hope everyone is doing fine and preparing for the holiday season that is approaching quickly.
I am ready for the break, that's for sure!  For those who don't know, I decided to go back to school in September.  It was definitely a spur of the moment decision and depended on whether I received financial aid or not.  Happily, for the first time in my life, I qualified and am now pursuing a BA in business administration.
I'm doing it through the WED program at St Mary-of-the Woods College, in Terre Haute.  I've not taken distance learning programs like this one.  I've attended off-campus classes before, but there are no classes this time.  You get a curriculum and go home.  So, its taking more effort on my part to sit here and study, rather than do other things that need to get done.. lol.
My girl is fine.  Doing very well in kindergarten, other than not knowing when to stop talking...  I'm trying to get through to her that I had the same problem and if she doesn't get it under control, school will not get easier.  Hopefully something will get her in gear.
Work is going well.  I took the morning off because my throat was on fire when I awoke, so I go in at 2pm.  There's been a nasty bug of the spewing-from-either-end type going around at the daycare.  Took out a lot of kids and staff for a few weeks.  Luckily we are the germ-o-phobe room and we constantly wipe things down where the kids have been.  Our room avoided it for the most part, but did have 2 kids come down with it because they had siblings in the other rooms.  On the jobs hazards, ya know?
That's all from my neck of the woods.  We're expecting our first measurable snow fall tonight, only a couple inches predicting by tomorrow evening... nothing to keep me from going anywhere.
Stacy, I hope you're not swimming over there!  Wow. 
Take care all~

Saturday, September 29, 2007

No way! Already?

Guess who's turning 6 today?!
You got it...
Happy Birthday, Baby  :)
Love your guts~

Monday, July 16, 2007

It's me again...

Two entries in a month, don't fall over... lol
Well, how's everybody been?  I'll be catching up on journals in a little while, I know I've missed some serious stuff from my friends, and I apologize for that...
I've also recently discovered a few of my fav journalers are back here now and I'll be resetting my alerts to stay on top of them now that they're relocated and writing again. 
I owed you this, so here my girl is in her uniform.  The picture didn't scan very well, after several attempts, this is as good as it gets.  Doesn't do her cuteness justice though  ;) 
As you can see, she played for the Reds.  Yes, I sucked it up being that I'm part of a family of Yankee & Cub fans... lol.  To recap the season, she whined every practice and game time.  Refused to get dressed most of the time.  Laid on the ground and played with the grass when she played outfield.  Loved hitting the ball (and is a heavy hitter!!) AND~ She wants to play again next season....
All the hell this child put me through and she liked it?!  What am I gonna do when she really doesn't like something? 
LOL.  Kids.
So, this summer at work, we were supposed to have all this extra staff... and we don't.  I did, however, get a person in my room in the afternoon who actually wants to work!  WOW.  Do you have any idea how long I've been carrying the PMs by myself?  Probably since the last time I was writing here. (Another part of why I haven't written~it would all be complaints.  Haha)
My new assistant is 18, going into her senior year.. but she's a Godsend.  She's excellent with the kids.  She doesn't baby them or play favorites like ALOT of my other help did.  She's like a younger me, so I can't gripe.. lol.  She's fluent in sign language and plans to major in that in college. 
My boss is crazy.  She doesn't remember conversations anymore.  She's currently off after having her knee replaced (last Tues, 10th) and she's saying she'll be back on Monday!  Now, I've rehabbed many knee patients, and I don't see how she'll even be weight bearing enough to go back to work...  I don't know about you guys, but this Kitty doesn't return to normal activity til the good doc says so.  We'll see.
What else? What else?
I finally got a new car, er, new to me anyway.  A 2000 Taurus wagon that takes E85.  Even having a car payment, I'm saving $1.50 a gal in gas... somehow I'd like to believe it equals out ;)  I love it, though.  I still like my old Lincoln and she's currently parked, undercover, getting some well deserved rest.  But this car is lovely :)
The family's well.  Dad's foot healed fine, though itswelled up a couple days after.. just enough to make us worry for a day.  Gracie starts all day Kindergarten Aug 14th.  I took off of work for the first two days of school, just in case.  Not for Grace.. for me!  Her first day of preschool, I was throwing up and panicky (sorry about the graphic details, but no nice way of telling you that).
Other than that, things remain the same with me.  We're heading on vacation Sunday, going to Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, in Santa Claus, IN.  First time to a water park for the girl, who has become a fish (who is still afraid of swimming lessons) in the past two summers.  I'm sure she'll have a great time... thinking I'll be worn out .. lol
Anyone ever use the disposable cameras that are waterproof  Was planning on taking one with me, but not if they don't take decent pictures.
That's a wrap for me for now.  Hopefully, I'll be back sooner rather than later!
Love ya'll...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Helloooooo, and Happy 4th....

Hello my friends  :)
Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day!  We just got back from my brother's, where we essentially had a block party. 
It was a very good time, despite a firework gone crazy... while it was shooting sparks in the air, it somehow fell over and shot a couple rounds out into the crowd, one hitting a neighbor in the chin (leaving an instant swollen bruise and very distinct impression of itself) and then it ricocheted into my Dad's moccasin, leaving a nicely self cauterized hole in the first layer and half of skin.  Being that Dad is diabetic, well... we'll keep an eye on it.
Other than that (which did happen right before we were leaving), it was a really good time.  I hope (and pray) that you all have as good of a time, minus the accident.
So, some have asked where I have been and, well, I've been here... lol.  Just don't have the time to write right now.  Hopefully, by month's end, I won't be so busy.... But here's some pictures showing part of why I haven't been around often these days.... She also played T-ball this year, but my scanner isn't cooperating at the moment~so I owe ya that one ;)
      Ballet routine~ 'I will go sailing no more'  from Toy Story  :)        
Take care, Loveys...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Important Notice...

Hi guys!
I know its been awhile... and I have no real explanation why, other than life gets a little busy sometimes :)
Now, I am only popping in for a second to let you know of a recall that's not really being publicized much~
Listerine is recalling ALL bottles of its Agent Cool Blue, both Glacier Mint and Bubble Mint flavors, immediately.  Every bottle, since its launch in 2006, could have microorganisms contaminating it.  There have been no documented cases of illnesses to date, but the company is offering full refunds and saying to discard the products.
Click here for the Company's information.
Click here to obtain the refund form.  (In Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format)
Okay, that's all from me, for now....  Hope you are all doing well, enjoying life, and I'll be by to read you all soon :)
Love ya's...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Oh, what a feeling...

What a game!  I sat on the edge of my seat the whole time.  Peyton was off to a slow start, but wow, did he manage to warm up fast! 
First of all, I love sloppy games!  And the rain fell, making for an interesting time on field  :) 
From the sounds of the stadium, there are a whole lotta Colts fans, too!  A good thing to know, since the sports media usually bashes them to no end...
So, I know Bernie is probably gonna be hoarse tomorrow along with me... anyone else?
The Indianapolis Colts are the
Superbowl XLI Stallions tonight   :)
I have to BE  AT work at 6:30 am!  If you know me, you know I do not do mornings....  I tried to take the day off, but my Lead teacher, Laura, beat me to it.  Its okay though, she never takes time off and deserves it  :)   And I get off at 2:30, which is always better than my usual 6:00 time.
All is well, and as it should be...
PS to Ms Sara~American football, Love  ;)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ooooo... IT IS ON, NOW!

Pack your bags, Babies!
We're going to the
~Colts vs Bears~
    Miami- Feb 4th, 2007
Yeah, Baby!
Go, Peyton!  It's your birthday.
We're gonna party like it's your birthday!  :) 

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Somebody's messin with the gene pool...

I have nothing against the city of Seattle....
But if you are watching American Idol, then you'll get why I want to know~
-------->    How much cousin lovin' is going on in that town?
;)  LMAO
Kitty go poof~

Sunday, January 14, 2007

On opposite sides....

You'll rarely find me doing this.....
Come on, New England!!!
Beat the Chargers so we can play YOU at the Dome  :)
             Go COLTS!
Kitty Out~
10 minutes later:   YEA!!  Colts play at home next week...

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Note to self...

You know, we all have this inner voice in our heads. 
The one that tells us to be reasonable.  Or tries talking sense to us, makes us rationalize our fears, tells us we're making a mistake.  The voice that some call our conscience. 
It can make you or break you in an instant.
Lately, my inner voice is a deafening roar.  I continue to fight what it says I should do, despite my knowing that the voice speaks the truth.  In some ways, it is trying to save my life.  Or extend it anyway...
My ignoring this voice is selfish and childish.  Yet I continue to do so.  I don't know why.  Do you do it, too? 
If you don't ignore the voice in your head, what makes you listen to yourself?
End note :)