OK, here is my 3rd choice pick for the photo in Get the Picture (I couldn't find my first 2 choices, so this is it). Since I am new to this, if I post a picture that's been done before, please let me know and I'll find another. Thanks for playing! Have fun!
**PS-- Due to alerts being down, I'll pick the winner on Sunday, giving those who wish to a chance to play.
I can't play this game since I'm not at all creative and cannot come up with anything funny, but this is a great picture!
Hi! Cat : )
here's my caption: " Should we mount the whole thing or just his nuts?? "
i hope that this wasn't offensive. if so just delete. and i'm terribly sorry.
god bless, (i don't like hunting!!) barb~
"Well, Buck, all in all, not a bad day of hunting...don't know if they'll be good eating, though..."
Okay...I am not sure how you play this little game but here's a caption suggestion:
"Hey, Buck... where's the beef?"
Well...that's pretty lame, but that's the best I can do tonight.
:) Loretta
http://journals.aol.com/lrttklly/LupusLeftovers/ LUPUS JOURNAL
http://journals.aol.com/lrttklly/LorettasStudio PAINTINGS, etc.
http://journals.aol.com/lrttklly/FindingaVoice/ ESSAYS
"Damn Environmentalist Anyways"!
Stacy http://journals.aol.com/djzgirl71/Mylifewith5kidsonecatandalmostne
"Oh deer, it feels good to be on this end of the hunting, now they'll know how we feel when they hunt us." ...Jessie
Heres my caption
Cant wait to mount them next to the female human we hunted last week!!!
Hey! Sit Straighter..here comes the game warden..Are we over the limit?
Sandi http://journals.aol.com/sdoscher/IJustHadToLaugh
"Hey Joe, we got us a big plump Billy Bob"...."yeah Jim, that's good eatin'!"
"Let's stop by the store and pick up some barbecue sauce!"
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