This is circulating around J-Land, so I thought I'd join in-although I know I'm missing 4 states to complete my journey around our Union... The Dakotas, Maine, and Alaska...
visited 47 states (92%) <~~ the site said 47 states, but its only 46....
I'm not sure how I missed going through the Dakotas on my journeys, but I did... they're on my list to go to next time I travel. Maine--I have a cousin who lives there, but not sure when I'll head east again. I prefer South or West. I will go to Alaska, I swear I will......
Where have you been?
Wow. I'm sure I've not been to more than 10 states. Or at least that I was old enough to remember. Obviously, I need to get out more. ~Sie
Man...I have only been in five states....including my own!!!
Well, I have been to a big fat 0 states!! I do have a cousin that lives in Illinois, and I've seen lots of pics and video's of her place, does that count?!!
Have been to France though, and Spain, and of course Wales ;o)
Sara x
I've never speared an Eskimo chick but, I have lei'ed a Hawaiian.-- That's no fair though, she came to me...
... Alaska & Hawaii.
~Wayward 'B'
Make that everywhere 'except', Alaska & Hawaii.
~Once wayward, now immaculate 'B'
You'll love Alaska! Was just there in mid September. Beautiful, breath taking, and oh so much green! Definitely worth a second trip.
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