Friday, December 31, 2004

'Owed' to Dona...

I owe this one to Dona, who asked me questions on Dec. 22.....

So, Dona, an entry all your own :)  

1)  If you could live in any time period besides the present, which would it be?  There are so many places and so many cultures... from Africa's first humans to America's Pilgrims to the days of Roman and Greek rule to the Dynasties of China and Egypt....  I have no favorites... other than today's technology, I could be happy in any time period.  

2) Besides friends, what do you like to collect, if anything?  Coins and dragons.  

3) If the Internet did not exist, what would you most likely be doing right now?  Reading a book, most likely...  

So, there you have it, Dona... my apologies for the delay in answering.  

Happy New Year's Eve, Everyone....  


PS.. Yes, I did promise an outside house picture with snow... the beauty of living in Indiana (and the midwest) is that all 14" of snow that fell Christmas Eve Eve, is now all gone  :)  So, that'll have to wait until winter really hits us.... probably in May :::winks:::


Anonymous said...

Awww, just for me...gee thanks, Cat!  Loved your answers.  Happy New Year to you!!!! :)  ~Dona

Anonymous said...

My Mum collects dragons too :o)
She has hundreds, but her favourites aren't made anymore, so the ones she has are worth a small fortune!!!
Happy New Year!
Sara   x