Sunday, January 16, 2005

Defeat, yet again.....

The $%@#*^& Colts!                         3 @#$^&*% points?!   

All the &*$$@^^^  Patriot fans put a hex on them or what?  Peyton Manning  

I have never seen this team play so horribly!  Can't handle the pressure it seems...... breaks my heart, but not my spirit......  

Chin up, Peyton, old chap.... your team broke major NFL records, not to mention your own personal best record setting season to date.  Those records stand longer than a Superbowl Title.  

So, its Steelers against the Pats, next week for the AFC Championship.  You may get your wish Nae, an all PA Superbowl as Philly takes on Atlanta (or Sie could get hers :)  

 Donovan McNabb        


~~Best shot of the day  :)   Put the smug SOB down and out of his own misery, please.....    

My hopes ride on the Steelers..........

 Jerome Bettis 

All aboard 'The Bus'  :::winks:::  



Anonymous said...

Sorry about your Colts babe...I was wishing them well......well actually just Peyton!  THat hot chunk of a man could leave his cleats under my bed ANYTIME!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yesssssssssssssssssssss!  ~Sie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

COTTON-FLABBIN DAG NABBED !@*#&^@#!*&.  AHHHHHHHHHHHH, I was so hoping for a Superbowl to finish off the year.  So sad to see PeyMan hang his head, damn wind in his face and a wet ball...ugh and the penalty on Manning, un-frickin-believable.  AND FRIGGIN Brushci...orhowever the hell you spell it...He deserves a swift kick to the forehead.
I'm mucho happy for the Eagles least Chris isn't all mad too, that makes the week easier to tolerate.  Eagles defense is tightening happy to see McNabb hanging in the pocket without fear.  Vick's pretty good, but lacks the tightness that McNabb'll be a good head to head, 2 QB's that will run the ball.  And after all the isht I've seen talked about Eagles defense, I saw the best defense on that line than of all the games this weekend.
I'm pulling for Nae now...all PA Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!
Brady'd better fear the Colts next year, we'll be back with a vengence.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere, I know my Dad is cussing right along with you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I know how much the Colts meant to you And Bernadette, but that's the way the cookie crumbles!  PA ALL THE WAY NOW!!!