Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Horoscope confusions.....

Here is your horoscope for January 5, 2005--

You might just miss something good if you rush through this moment. Your style is established, and they won't soon forget your contributions. Savor your position of strength while you still occupy it so easily.  

I'm reading this and trying to figure out to what it infers, since I have no life away from my house, family, or computer, it must mean one of those....... wouldn't you think?   

Now, if you believe these are true, you'll know it could be something in the recent past, present, or future.  If you don't believe, I'm surprised you've made it this far.   

Breaking it down....  

About savoring the position of strength, I certainly don't understand what the heck that is all about.  Mentally, I am no stronger or weaker than any other person, I just know where I stand in life, what I give it and what I get from it.  Don't we all?   

 As for the style--well, I go through phases.... like the moon.  :::winks:::  I do change a lot about myself--hair and eye color, clothes styles, book and music styles...  Maybe, to some, that sounds like I don't know who I am.  To others it may seem like I'm not comfortable with myself.   

The truth is simple... I get bored with the outside, including influences.  My reaction is to change before I get stuck in a rut, and that applies to everything about me.  But, that picture over there to the right (um.. not 'Kitty") is who I proudly wear forever....... on the inside.....  

Rushing is not part of my vocabulary....  

I still don't get what it is referring to... yet.  



Anonymous said...

Horoscopes confuse the heck out of me... I think they are written to just make you go, "Hmm..." and throw out all the possible ideas you can think they mean :D

Have a great day today, no matter what you decide your Horoscope means...

Anonymous said...

There was a guy over here a couple of years ago, that followed the horoscopes, doing exactly what they said, for 40 days!!  If his horoscope said he would be going overseas, he would get on a plane that day and go overseas ;o)
Strange, but true!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing, Cat. I enjoy switching up on my appearance and enjoy variety. Sometimes I want to come across as the latent freak that I am.

I imagine that it's referring to the "strength" that you possess as lead bitch in my Internet pack.

Me narcissistic? Never.

~The Love 'bullet' Train

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true genius!

Anonymous said...

I do think to a certain extint that some ppl are stronger or weaker than others. Only a strong person could "know where they stand in life" some ppl don't even know that. They just wonder around num to everything around them. I am not sure if I believe in the horoscopes or not. Most times they are on point so I guess I do believe in them. Right now I think my mind is weak lol!!!


Anonymous said...

Joking aside, Cat (Someone told me that I was serious, 'once', I just don't remember it)...

I don't put much faith in horoscopes. I've noticed that certain personality traits seem to apply to the individual sun signs. Other than that, I think that anything else is merely a coincidence.
