Thursday, January 6, 2005

It's party time...

The kid is back in school, the kid is back in school.

Hi-ho the dairy-o, the kid is back in school    


Wooo Hoooo-- two hours of 'me' time!  I almost forgot about free time just from the short break over Christmas....  

How the heck am I going to make it through summer?!  I wonder if preschool holds summer sessions?  

Now, what do I do first?  Uh.... yeah..... catch up email, make phone calls I can't when she's around, watch an adult movie....... oh, the possibilities  :)  

Hey, by the way... I need to know where the verse in the Bible is when Jesus is telling a story about being hungry, and tired.  The verse says something like 'I was hungry, you nourished me, etc.....'  I know some of you know, help a sista out........  

Have a great one.....  



Anonymous said...

LOL...have a great time enjoying your "me" time!!!  the possibilities ARE endless!!!
Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Can't help you out with the verse... But I'm glad you have some "Me Time"... Gotta love that!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Cat has some free time, woo-hoo! Do what you want to do, sweetie. Life's brief and you may not be here tomorrow to enjoy it.

... What Bible? There's so many 'Good Books'. Personally, I can't help you with this one. I've always considered them all to be spiritually/morally uplifting adult fairy tales, for the most part.

~'B' the realist

Anonymous said...

I think you're looking for Matthew chapter 25 verse 35....the parable of the sheep and the goats.  If that's not it, let me know and I'll check my concordance again :-)I'm stuck home with my kid today - snow day from heck! -Kelly

Anonymous said...

Ya alone time is

Anonymous said...

Adult movies, Adult movies!!! That's definitely the way to go. I am jealous my kids don't go back until next week and now we are having a ice storm so the schools are slowly closing andthey are saying what? You guessed it's getting worse when? NEXT WEEK!!! No adult movies for me:(


Anonymous said...

Yaaay, am joining you in your happiness 'cause my kid is back in school too - woo hoo :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Man, I've missed a lot here this week!
Isn't it great having them back in school!  WOO HOO!  I'm looking into summer camps!  
don't know where that verse is, but I know what you're talking about....I think it's in John, not sure tho.