Dear AOL:
I'm sure by now there are a few thousand (or more) complaint letters flooding an in-box somewhere, waiting for attention. Hence , I have opted to write an open letter, believing word of mouth will cause it to find it's way to the appropriate person(s).
First, let me say I have always liked AOL as my internet service provider and recommend it frequently over the lower priced competitors. I have made many good friends with AOL features, such as Journals and chat rooms.
Actually, I am a journal addict at this point and when alerts go down, I miss things. I do not appreciate that. So, it saddens me to feel compelled to do this.
I'm not sure what the problem is with the service lately. If I'm not being disconnected for no reason; I'm getting bombarded with little pests and adware from the new 9.0 Security Edition, despite the firewall and spyware features enabled.
I am not alone here. I am reading many entries from folks dealing with the same issues. Another thing, sometimes when I click on a link, AOL freezes and I have to restart--good thing I pay for unlimited service, huh?
I didn't deal with it nearly as often with the previous version. In fact, I was quite happy with the former. Because I trust(ed) AOL to be the best, I downloaded 9.0 SE--knowing it would be better. I was wrong.
Technical Support is okay and always are considerately patient with me in my frustrated state, but Rodney Phantagishgda doesn't quite know how to fix the problem, either.
I am well aware that sometimes new programs have bugs that need to be tweaked, so I'm patient in the fact the dedicated staff is working diligently to resolve this. I only hope it is soon.
The competition could reap many of the AOL members who are not as tolerant as I.
Still in high regards,
Catherine Hildebrand
That is so very true....
Can I get an AMEN SISTA? I keep getting booted off!!!!!
I remember that ghetto, I was there!
But now I'm in Smooth 'SE' City, baby... Just have to know, how to blow, over the telephone. [:P]
~Squirt! 'B'
Way to go!! The service of aol is really sucking lately!!
No probs with AOL here, is this upgrade for the USA only? Will know to avoid it if or when it comes over here! It's terrible when you keep getting cut off isn't it. Hope it sorts itself out soon.
Sara x
I am glad to see that you have decided to send them this. I have too have done the samething although not in my journal it is posted. I think that is the only way to one day get our stuff working right. SPEAK OUT!!!
Frustrations of the computer kind seem to be rampant this week. Mine was not AOL related, however every now and then I lose the connection. If I'm writing when it happens, it sucks! Glad you told them how you feel, they need to hear it. ~Dona
I am loyal to AOL for 2 reasons...they dumb things down for internet-impaired people like myself, and my journal. The SE version is why I renamed my AOL icon AO-HELL. I disabled the firewall and syware isht and it runs much better just using the ones I already had. I got more adware after updating then I've ever gotten before. For what they charge you'd think they'd keep us REALLY happy! I do believe in AOL, I do, I do!
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