Six months from now, when life has moved us on, and we have all but forgotten the tsunami victims because images are no longer blasted all over the tele.... the smallest, most helpless survivors will still be struggling.
Reports state children make up 1/3 of the casualties. The surviving kids most likely lost some or their entire families. Red Cross and Save the Children are making every effort to find shelter and relatives of these children, but the amount of damage is making things more difficult.
When the air time of this disaster runs out, I hope our memories don't go with it. Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and India will be in need of assistance for a very long time.....
Think of the children.
Thank you for keeping this in our faces.... It truly helps to have people like you reminding us to not to forget... and hopefully, it will help keep the supplies and stuff they need coming...
God bless you for this entry, Cat. Let us not forget! xox
Yes, they will be in dire need of help for some time to come I imagine. We always think of the children, those poor little kids left without parents and/or a place to call home. What an awful, life altering event for hundreds of thousands, it's uncomprehensible really isn't it.
Sara x
I hope this is something we don't forget....
Thanks for the reminder cat ;-)
It's not something that any of us could soon forget.
I wish i could do more, but i also know that every little bit helps. They victims and their families and friends will be in my prayers for a long long time.
You are right Cat. I have a friend who lives in mombai, india and I wonder if it weren't for him would I have already forgotten? Thanks Cat for keeping it fresh and reminding us that we aren't the only humans living (oh and although we have some bad things going on someone's situation is always worse).
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