Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Tuesday tidbits....

Well, it is a whopping 9 degrees (F) outside, not including the wind chill.  It's supposed to drop a couple more inches of snow on us tonight, so we'll warm up overnight to around 33, high tomorrow of 37!    So, at least my first day on the job will be above freezing :)  

I tell Gracie I have to go to work tomorrow and she cries.  I tell her I'm only going to be gone during the day and I'll be back to put her to bed and she tells me she loves me and not to go.  

This may be harder than I thought....  

She's also catching yet another cold.  I started her on Airborne last night, it shortens the duration of the symptoms- and some PediaCare for her stuffy nose.  She has a cough.  She said her ear hurt, but it seems fine today...... So don't want to deal with earaches.   

She's supposed to go to school today and she wants to go.  This is where my dilemma starts because I'm the first one to complain when I see other runny-nosed kids at school.  She's not running a fever, either.  But she wants to go..... ahhh decisions, decisions...  

I'm hoping Dad taking her to dance class is going to be okay.  Gracie can get a little wild while waiting on her turn to do whatever....  Mrs. Ballet/Tap Teacher knows my rule-If Gracie doesn't pay attention or acts up to where the teacher or I need to intervene, no treat after dance class.  (Mrs. Ballet/Tap Teacher does not, however, like to enforce that rule--she says that's my job :)  So,Dad being the softie he is, will give in to her if she cries......

I'm gping to talk to her today to let her know if she sees a change in Gracely's behavior, we'll need to switch class days....

My nerves seem okay for starting a new place.  I guess the big test is the all-day factor.  I keep telling myself it is only two days, that's nothing.  If I was in the typical single parent household, I'd be working full-time at probably two jobs to pay bills and crap-so I should shut my pie hole and be happy.   

The down side is paychecks only come every two weeks, every job I've had-I've been paid this way.  Does anyone pay weekly anymore?!  I know they do because the job my brother just got, does.....   

My luck of the draw, I guess  :)  

Have a great day, J~Land....  



Anonymous said...

I've never enjoyed budgeting my money. I dug those weekly pay jobs too... Spend it, more's soon on the way. Not until I started with the city, at nineteen, did I encounter the two week pay plan. [:\] Didn't really matter then though. I was pulling in considerably more than I needed.

"Treats"... Who would have ever thought that the day would dawn, when I wished that I had a kid to give them to?

... Your "high", isn't reaching Florida's low.






Anonymous said...

Pretty cold here too, 20 without the wind factored in.  And you are right, shut your pie hole, two days a week! LOL.  Enjoy work, and just remember how hard it was to find a job.


Anonymous said...

Sad to say, but I'm waiting for the snow tonight too!  I've had enough of this!  6 days in a row of almost 0 is enough to drive a person crazy.  We've hit 13 and I think that's going to be our high for the day >BRRRR<

Anonymous said...

Bestest of luck with the job...I've only ever been paid monthly, that's a nightmare to start with as you have to wait a whole month before you're paid!!
Hope Gracie feels better soon :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

it finally warmed up here to a 15 degrees here today...first time out of the single digits in a while...did I mention I hate the cold?  LOL.
Good luck on your job tomorrow!!   And I hope Gracie feels better soon!  She will be fine, she will miss you tons, and you will miss her too...but when she see's you walk thru the door at the end of the day...it will be priceless.
Have a good one...

Anonymous said...

Hey Cat!Good luck at your first day......Im sure you'll knock em' dead! Weve4 got 6 degrees here......cold! So bundle up in the morning and have a great day! Hurray for Cat's first day! sending a good luck hug,Muse

Anonymous said...

Sure am hoping Gracie adjusts to your new schedule soon and doesn't get too sick.  Glad to hear you are working!  Finally a job!  WOO FREAKIN' HOO!  Sure miss our chats!

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

Well I hope things all work out.
