Saturday, February 12, 2005

Friday into Saturday....

Hi guys :)   I stayed up way too late last night, so I slept until 10:30 this morning!  I never do that... even when I don't go to bed before 4 am.  Guess I needed to catch up on some zzzzzz's.......  

Yesterday was payday (can I get a woo-hoo?!)  Even though its nothing like the paychecks I used to receive..... it's money, it's mine, and its 100% guilt free spending :)    So, in order to celebrate, Gracie and I went to her favorite place to eat~Bob Evans (or Bob Ebans, as she says).  She got the 'Colorful Coolcakes'--mini m&m's in pancakes--and ate almost all of it.  Normally, I would never let her have these~but what they heck, we were celebrating  :)  

Then we went shopping so I could buy some clothes for work.  We are allowed to wear sweats since we're chasing kids around all day.  I don't wear jeans there because I get so freakin' hot, I don't want anything 'sticking' to me..... it makes it worse :(   

I bought 2 shirts-one with Eeyore (my fav) and one with Tweety Bird.  Hey~if you're working with babies, you have to wear something they can relate to.  I have an Eeyore shirt now I wear with a zip-up fleece vest over it.   

All the kids take their turns sitting on my lap and zipping and unzipping my vest~to play hide-n-seek with Eeyore.  Or some say "nighty-night" when they zip it up, and "good morning" when they unzip.  Yeah... I know... doesn't take much to make them (or me) happy :)  Though, it does get old after 15 kids who want to rotate....  

I bought Gracie a 'Care Bear' umbrella that she wanted.  She ran into the house and shoved it in Dad's face "See, Papa, I got a kid's sized umbwella!"  It's a real good thing it has a pink ball on its tip, too, as she came within a 1/4" of his face.....   

She also got a little stuffed the child needs anymore tiny animals.....but I'm a pushover, especially when its really cheap (as in inexpensive) stuff  :)  I'm enjoying it while I can.  Next it'll be designer clothes and cars.....  

Uncle Tom came over last night, too.  He used to stop by every Friday, but not since the holidays.  So it was good they got to spend time together.  I was attempting to straighten the playroom, which was disastrous as little tiny toys were covering the floor.  It looked like she had knocked all her books from the bookshelf with a swoop of an arm.    You know I got a trash bag.... don't you :) 

Yes Sir, militant mom took one look and said "You have way too many toys."  Grace saw the bag in my hand and jumped into action.... putting the toys she wanted to keep on a shelf, or somewhere-- off of the floor.  I really only pick up trash and things that have wandered in there by themselves, apparently... because she says she doesn't know how it got there.  

I also take toys away that she doesn't play with much anymore.  She has this habit of getting out toys and not ever touching them.  They just have to be out.  Like this fold out doll-house (one of her yard sale finds).  Unfolded, its huge, so I keep it folded up and stuck by a table.  But she can't stand it... it has to be on the floor, spread in all its glory.... then doesn't ever play with it after that.  Kids! Or maybe its Girl kids!  

Anyway, today I'm off to the store.  Why I wait until the weekend to go is beyond me.... I like self-torture I guess.  I might go after Grace is in bed tonight, when the crowds die down a little.  We need some food and I need a new pair of shoes!  I have money in my pocket..... Almost forgot how nice that is  :)  

Have a great day, friends and loveys....  



Anonymous said...

Woo hoo - payday!!
Must feel good to have money in your pocket again Cat, good for you girl :o)
No, it's not just girl kids, it's boy kids too.  J will happily drag out all his action men toys and leave them scattered around his bedroom, along with anything and everything else he can find, then ignore it all and play with an empty bubble bath container for hours instead!!
You enjoy yourself with your monies!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

First things first....AO-HELL give me back my alerts! all of them, now...thanks ;)
I'm sure you're loving payday!  That's the part of work I miss the most ;)  When we go out for breakfast Pey has to have Funny Face pancakes, the m&m ones sound cool..I gotta try making them here sometime!
Pey has toys galore and I go through and pull out the ones she doesn't play with, right now my attic is full!  and...I take bags, and bags of stuff to goodwill every couple of months.  Where do they get all this stuff from?!
enjoy the rest of your weekend Cat!