I have met stupid people. Smart ones, too. Fat, Skinny, Tall, Short. Black, Yellow, White, Brown, Red, and all shades in between. Gorgeous and Plain. Good and Evil, Sinners and Saints....
It takes all kinds.... even if it's one person....
I have had friends. And enemies. I have loved and hated. Never looked back and, sometimes, never looked away.
Some would never let me in. Some would never let me out. Walked away from some with tears, some with glee, and some with a deep sigh of relief.
I've known honesty and deceit. Truth and Lies. Happiness and Sorrow. Joy and Pain. Sunshine and shadow....
I've been burdened and blessed. Been an Angel and a Devil. Walked both paths at once..... a true feat in itself.
I've been inspired and let down. I have followed and led. I have chased. I have been chased. I have denied and been denied.
I am perfect and imperfect. I am omnipotent and ambiguous, vague and clear. I have tried and trodden. Forgave and Forgotten, yet Unforgiven and not forgotten.
I am me, but have been someone else. Will be another. I have sat and danced.....
I have taken for granted and been taken. Unappreciative and Grateful. Resentful and Unrelenting. Sorry and Unashamed.
I am Bold and Humble. Blunt. Beautiful and Ugly. Simple and Complicated. Traveled and Unworldly. Walked a straight line in a circle.
It takes all kinds....
No one is who they seem on the surface.... you gotta go deeper.....
Very true and powerful entry! Loved it!
Love & Hugs,
Great entry!!!!!!You getting deep on me? LOL
Excellent entry!!!!
Did 'YOU' write that masterpiece? Damn, Cat, that's phenomenal, honey.
What the fuck are you messing with a school-room full of curtain-climbers for? You could be a famous, wealthy poet. [:)]
~Me loves you, Brian @--->----
Fantastic Cat, and so very true :o)
Sara x
that's in-freakin-credible! it's really, really, one more really, beautiful. You should be a writer doll!
And stop it Brian, I'm getting jealous...CATFIGHT!
*sighs* If only we all could be this brilliant.....You never cease to amaze me Kitty Kat.
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