I keep reading these AOL diet success stories (on my welcome screen) and I just don't get it. One doesn't need Weight Watchers, or Atkins, or South Beach to lose weight. Really! Why waste the money?
Want to lose extra pounds, all one need do is consume less calories than one burns in a day. Stop eating fast food all together, drink an ocean of water, take vitamins (one with minerals included), and live off fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Desserts can be eaten, as long as the calories are still below what is used.
I lost a lot of weight this way before and kept if off for years (and I'm (once again) the queen of lack of self-control and willpower), until I let someone else have control of my life..... So, now I'm back at it. That's the main point, isn't it?!
Losing weight and maintaining it is simple~ we just make it hard......
It's not that we make it hard, it's that many people want a magic, quick, simple answer. They don't want to have to actually work off more calories than they take in. ~Sie
Everyone I know on those fad diets...especially atkins is more over wieght now then when they started it. Eat less, Move more is my motto for diet success...
You are right Cat, but Gluttony can be so fun!!!!
I found the perfect diet...anxiety...it's nearly impossible to eat anything...guess that's not so good, is it? Hell it works for me, I'm only ten pounds heavier than I was in high school.
You're absolutely right...my problem was that I didn't want to do any of that...so I started exercising instead, that worked pretty well. LOL It's amazing what actually moving your body around and stuff can do for you! and I found that once I started exercising every day, I didn't want to eat junky anymore...my body felt good and I wanted to keep it feeling that way...so it all worked out anyway!
Reply to Sie, Julie, Nae, and Michelle:
Well... you guys are all correct.
Everyone wants a magic pill because it takes up to 3 times longer to take it off than to put it on, and takes a lot less energy to eat than walk, run, or lift weights ;)
So they all get the 'magic' diet, which works for maybe up to a year. Then you gain at least 50 pounds over what you lose... but do not execise regularly....
Then its 'fukitol' time (winks to Stace) and gluttony sets in... and poof we're back to the beginning.
And once a person begins to work their body and regain composition, energy increases as well as stamina.... in the end, once used to it.... if you miss a workout, you feel lousy....
But you still have to get your mind into it, first....
I never even tried one of those faddy diets. Every time - yes, every time, there has been many - I've lost weight it has been through plain old eating less. Am trying to mix the exercise more thing with the eat less thing now, so hopefully it will work even better this time :o)
Sara x
Brilliant, succinct, uncomplicated, and I wholly agree (and know).
And, THAT'S the way 'that' is ('smarty' pants). [:)]
~Love, Brian @---->---
Fad diets drive me insane! I'm especially thrown off by the Atkins diet. Now I don't 'diet' persay but I am very concious of what I eat and what order I eat it in...I think that the Dr. Phil eating plan seems like the best because it teaches you how to eat without limiting the types of food you can have. Hell, Chris has completely lost his spare tire and the love handles are barely hanging on since he started waiting tables again..and it's only been a month, just increasing his steps and not eating a box of little debbie snacks every day!
take it easy Cat~
Hello Cat. I'm new to your journal. I got the link from Jaime's journal. I have now added you to my alerts :)
I totally agree with you on these fad diets. I'm on the same diet Nae is on...lol
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