Saturday, March 12, 2005

Saturday Six

The Saturday Six from Patrick's Place......  

1. Have you ever called 911 for an emergency?  Yep... 3 times.  Once when the old church a few doors down from my house caught on fire.  Once for a car accident I witnessed, and the last time was when my Grams stroked out here on the bathroom floor.  I knew she was gone, but my father (she was his mom) kept believeing she just hit her head and was unconscious~but she was dead before she hit the floor.  (Sorry that sounds so morbid)

2. Do you spend more or save more?  Spend way more than I save...

3. How many live plants do you have in your home now?  Do you give them enough attention?  I can't count them all~it's a jungle in here.  This is just in the foyer..... (under the stairs)

Picture from Hometown

They get plenty of attention, but they want to go outside and play and its just too cold now to let them  :)

4. What was the last thing you did to exercise?  How often do you exercise?  Walked around the neighborhood.  Often~not at all....

5. Where do you compare with regard to your parents:  do you feel like an adult, or still like the "kid?"  If you feel like an adult, when did you first feel that way? This is so funny.  I felt like an adult when I didn't live with them.  Now that I'm back with them~I've reverted to being a teenager again....

6. Who is the last person you received a personal card or letter from that wasn't sent to mark a special occasion?  My bestest buddy, Stacy, sent me one of her beautiful pictures she took and gave to me, just because~awwwww, love ya, girlie  :) Go check her photo journal out.... The Road Less Taken.

Have a great day....



Anonymous said...

I have no plants in my house, none, not a one!!  I used to have plants, but they don't do well with me, this is the place they come to die!!
Save?  What is this word?  What can it mean?  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

gosh, i wish i could keep plants alive...they don't last long around here so i save them the torment of bringing them home.  Pey wants to plant a flower-pot garden this spring...poor, poor plants ;)