Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Wednesday is my Friday ;)

So, my boy, Griffin, moved to the 2's class today.....  and Dawson turned 2 today..... it's a sad day in the neighborhood.  

At least he gets picked up late, so Ms. Angie brought him to see me.  Grace (Doll Baby) gets picked up late, too, so I got to see them both :)  I asked her what they put in the water in their room because once the kids move there~they seem oblivious to our existence.  Really!  

 If you see them in the hall, they stare like they've never seen you.  If you go to their room, they don't come running over like they miss you, not even a 'hi'....  Most of these kids have been in our room for over 9 months and most attend daily (I'd say 12 of 16 are FT), they could care less.  

We, on the other hand, keep trying... and keep getting rejected.  But we try again and again... imagine we'll always stay connected to them.  That part makes me wish I'd work more.  Then the screaming, testing, whining reality smacks me upside my head  ;)  

~Moving on~

I've been toying with the idea of some weekly theme thing here.... and I don't want to infringe on those who already doing themes with pictures.  Or have you guys overwhelmed with needing to take a lot of them.....

My first thought was 'I'll show you mine, if you show me yours' :)  

Now, now, kiddies.... remember, this is not 'Cat House', it won't be that type of thing..... so keep your clothes on :)  Sorry to disappoint, but with recent events with TOS, I'm playing on the safe side... as much as I can...  

Anyway, I'd like to know who would be interested in participating, not that anyone has to, of course....    And I have no idea when I'll actually start it... but I'll keep ya posted :)  

With that, I'm outtie..... need some zzzzzz's  


PS~Anyone (other than me) watching 'Revelations'?  What do you think?  I'm fascinated, so far.  Right after 'Lost'...  It's still not 'The West Wing'...  I'm just sayin....  


Anonymous said...

I watched Revelations tonight, am hanging by a thread here.. when is it on again??? :0

Robyn :)

Anonymous said...

Next you'll be asking if we want to play doctor, LOL!  Just kidding!  We're watching the Revelation mini series too.  So far, it's holding our attention.

Anonymous said...

Of course I will play along!

Revelations...missed the first two so I think it's too late to start watching...

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to watch that show...but I think I have missed too much now to even catch up...  I was so disappointed when I found out I missed it!!

Ya know I will play along :)


Anonymous said...

<putting shirt back on>  oops.  
yeah, I guess I'm still interested ;)~
I almost watched Revelations, but I went and did the FLYlady stuff instead.  I knew I should have watched it.

Anonymous said...

Laughs, Bernie.  I felt the same way, what a party pooper Cat is, afraid to get TOS'ed over some nudity ugh!

Anonymous said...

I"d be interested!  :-)  I don't journal as much as i'd like, time time time is my master, but would love to play along when I can ....
