Saturday, June 25, 2005

I'm melting...

It's hot!  No, it is beyond hot and moved into sweltering.  Know what Kitty dislikes more than hot, humid days?  Any guesses?  You got it!--hot, humid nights....  

Last night the thermostat never dipped below 85.  I had two fans by my bed, facing in opposite directions turned on high, with me in the middle of them.  Damn near tried Sam's wet sheet suggestion.... but Kitty does not like to be wet (unless she is in a pool or ocean ;)  It took me a couple hours to get to sleep, but eventually I did.  

Had a fan in Gracie's window, turned on high and another one on her floor to keep a steady (warm) breeze on her.  Her bedroom is the hottest in the house because she only has two windows facing west.  The rest of the rooms have at least three windows for cross ventilation.   

I love this house, but installing any type of air conditioning or central air would be pointless unless we replaced all of the windows.  That's not going to happen anytime soon.  Besides, I can't imagine the costs of cooling this place down!  We have oil heat, so keeping it warm in the winter is costly enough.  

We're supposed to hit 95 again today, Sunday and Monday~who asked for this isht, anyway?  I hope my summer loving friends get this stuff heading their way very, very soon :)  You asked for it, not me~so why is it hanging around my house?  

That's okay, five more months until cold weather hits~think I can hang in there until then.  What I am stressing over is it is only June.  July and August, the hottest months, still to come.  Do you think because we never hit 90 last summer, that we won't get any temps under that for thisone?  If so, you'll find Kitty hitchhiking to Alaska ;)  

Going to find some shadows to lay in.... hope no one melts.  



Anonymous said...

This heat totally sucks.  I have A/C and I STILL hate it!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this crap something else?  My God, last night was could hardly breathe cuz the humidity was so high...  And to think it's only June!!!  We usually don't get this 90's crap till August!!  At least we have you can Gracie can come over anytime and cool off.  :)

~Stay cool!!


Anonymous said...

If I lived near you I would invite ya over to sleep in the air, I feel for ya. I Love the heat but to sleep in it is aweful=( ya know there are portable airconditioners like the floor heaters but i am sure they would run up the electric bill too. I wish the weather would go down too, hope for you that it does =)


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY feel ya'!  The weather is out to get us back for mild summers the last 3 years in a row!  I am soooooooo not looking forward to the rest of summer in this!  But at least they haven't declared a drought (sp?) yet!  :-)  

Sorry about not having air, tho.  That bites!  My neighbora tease me cause I am too cheap to run ours unless it's above 80... They come over and say, "Is the air broken?"  We usually keep it around 75.  So it's an improvement but not so bad that we get a terrible headache from going in and out of it, ya' know.

~Miss O

Anonymous said...

I feel for you doll!  I remember praying to have Pey really soon while lying there 9 months pregnant sweating my arse off in June....felt so bad for my girlfriend who didn't deliver until September!  I'm liking summer less and less as the days get if I lived at the beach I probably wouldn't be ocmplaining :)  

Anonymous said...

Man, for a minute there I thought I was reading, "The Cat House".

Nae Nae likes it hot and sweaty all day, and "hotel room cool" at night.

I swear I was a hooker in a past life.  

Anonymous said...

  Hot and humid here too!!  At least we have AC inside.  Got an idea go walk around Wal-Mart for hours.  That or the mall.  That's what I used to do when it got too hot.  And buy a window AC unit for your room and let Grace sleep with you!!

Anonymous said...

oh, hang in there.... I am so sorry you all are so hot. judi

Anonymous said...

You know I sympathize!  I went for years w/o AC.  The wet sheet thing really works.  Wet hair helps.  I also used to keep a wet towel in a bowl of water for emergency wipe downs, and a spray bottle (with a heavy spray) handy to rewet the sheet when it dried.  When you are watching tv try soaking your feet in cool water....If your head and feet are cool the rest of your body will soon follow....