Alright, this thingy is flying through J~Land fast.
Personally, I think the only word to describe Kitty is 'Me-ow', but hey, there may be dissenting opinions out there ;).
So, have at it~describe me in one word. Would prefer the first one that comes to mind~even if it may have been previously given :) But, obviously, do as you will.....
If you have played along already, please let me know so I can visit and reciprocate. If you haven't participated and are going to, I'll be around shortly :)
PS ~ Una palabra = one word :)
friend :)
**Una Palabra Para Tu**
~Brian @---->---
PS~ I'm a Very White Girl trying to remember back to High School Spanish...
So Sorry If I messed that Up :)
Ummmm?? how to describe you???? Diva I think I will use that one.
....and a little too much if you ask me LOL
Yours is the only journal where I can never see what the other comments say. So, you know I'm saying the first word that popped into my head without seeing what anyone else said. I thought 'naughty'!! Just thought there may be a 'naughty' side to you ;o)
Sara x
Growing. ~Sie
ugh, ugh, ugh! I can think of about a gazillion different words to describe you! ALL of 'em good, too. But if I can only use one, I'm going with...
Brilliant! Bloody Brilliant!
Oops. That was more than one, but you get the idea. ;)
Well, I'm a little late and I can't see the first 5 comments so I hope I'm not repeating anyone, but my one word for you would be REAL :) You always keep it real, Cat and although I might not always comment, I always read...have a good one!
Complex :)
Me-ow works too :)
I would say perceptive, you usually read people and situations right. You get what's a joke, and what's not. You can read between the lines well. Of course I agree with everyone elses... Brilliant was already taken so I'll have to live with PERCEPTIVE!
~Miss O
I can't believe no one said INDEPENDENT it is one of the most felinish qualities you have....independent thinking and independent actions....great qualities!
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