Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm already gone...

So, I've gone AWOL again....  

Actually, I have just been busy and not writing.   

I got to see one of the #2 (Rusty Wallace) cars at the grocery yesterday, so of course I bought a disposable camera and took some pics ;)  As we were leaving, the guy there with the car was loading it into the truck.  So we also got to see it driving around the very crowded parking lot.   

He was driving like he thought he was Rusty Wallace.... I was gonna complain, but I would've driven that car the same way had I the chance ;)  

Guess who doesn't have to go to work tomorrow?!  ME!  But, instead I get to head to our City-County Building for jury duty~again!  Yep, you read that correctly.... the idiots in charge have drafted me for an impending jury trial.  That is what I get for being registered to vote since I was 18. 

I got notice for jury duty the 1st time right before my 19th birthday, and damn near every year after that....   I think we must not have many voters in my state.   It's okay though, I've been called up many times before.  I just answer the questionaire as truthfully as possible and I am usually dismissed.  {Apparently, Kitty's views are a bit extreme~hee hee hee}  I keep thinking I'm gonna get called to serve one day.... hopefully not tomorrow!  

Though, in a way, if it would last through Wednesday, I wouldn't mind serving on a jury.  It would get me out of work for the week, and on the busiest day we have... so maybe being picked may not be so bad.  I need to make sure this place pays me while I'm off, too!  I think they have to, but I'll check....  

I can't believe it is August already!  I love it when summer flies by, especially when they're as hot as this one was (is).  I don't mind it when it gets dark by 6:30.  I don't mind scraping snow and ice off of cars in the morning.  In fact, I relish it and I come alive in the cold, blistery months.  I know that is hard for some of my summer babies to understand~but ahhhh, I cannot wait!  

I have to go get things ready for time occupation tomorrow~the waiting is the worst part.  

Hope you all had a great weekend and take care.....  



Anonymous said...

Well, then I guess I hope you get called?  :-)  Have a great week!  And I don't mind the winter but don't wish it here quite yet... I like the colored leaves!
P.S.  I responded in my comments sect -- hope u don't mind!
~Miss O

Anonymous said...

Man that sucks...jury they passed a law that you can only get called once every four or five years I think it is.  Oh the thrills of being a voter...  :/  
Have a good one Cat...

Anonymous said...

Good luck on jury duty!  I hope you find some good things to occupy your time with because you are right, waiting is the toughest part.  After the trial is over we'll want to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

I dread that day when I get a letter for jury duty!  I guess here in VA we have a lot of folks on the list to choose from ;)
I'm definitely not ready for winter, all though I am getting really sick of looking at my pale ass legs in shorts!  well okay, I could definitely bundle up in a sweater right now and be happy...i miss the cozy feeling of fall and winter, guess I'm getting over being a summer-time girl ;)
Have a great week Kitty!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get out of it or on it whichever way you want.  Virginia will only let your name get pulled once every 3 or 4 years even if you don't serve.  Good for me!!

Anonymous said...

Man, maybe it's cuz they know Kitty is one to listen to.

I have never been called for JD, but then again, I'm not a registered voter, just a registered complainer.

Bill gets a letter every other year.