Friday, July 22, 2005

Into the West and out of line...

I am watching the final episode of 'Into the West' on TNT.   

I am very ashamed to be white.  

Who the hell did (do) we think we were (are)?  And why did our ancestors believe these native people were savages?  Because they didn't act 'refined'?  Because they spoke a different language?  Because they had darker skin?  

It sickens me, over and over again.  This superiority of white man.   

Who made us all Gods able to judge people?  Who gave whites the authority to think the color of our skin makes us better than people of different colors, cultures?  

Hell, we have even made Jesus (a man born in the middle east) blonde haired and blue eyed.....  I guess we can't stand to think of another race being 'better'. 


I hope any person in my family who was a biggot, racist, or discriminator, or had any part in destroying Indians or slavery.... is rolling over in their grave.  If I find out there were any, I'll go and spit on their tombstone.....  

If you've been watching this as well, I have to tell you this is one of the most accurate depictions I've seen to date.  Sad, but true....  

If you've missed the mini series~it'll be on DVD in October.  



Anonymous said...

I didn't watch but must admit to strongly agreeing with you....


Anonymous said...

I saw a documentary the other night about a little island in the philapines - I think - that's British owned.  The people that lived on the island, and had done for generations, were forceably removed in a terrible way so that Britain could make a whole lot of money renting it to the US army.  Those people still live in slums today, despite their removal being judged illegal in high court.  This only happened in the 70's, and their fight for justice is still going on today.  I am ashamed at times too.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the series but it is sad.  It makes me glad that my family didn't come from that part of this country.  Makes me glad that I descend from Irish farmers who came here and worked other peoples land to make a living for themselves.  But it's sad that I'm proud that my family didn't own or have anything to do with slavery as far back as I know...sad that that's something I can be proud of.


Anonymous said...

Hey, wasn't the word, "fuck", in this entry to begin with? My eyes and mind feel so relieved, now that you've removed it. I felt a sense of impending literal-dread, knowing that I was coming over here to comment, and would have to re-read it.

I didn't get to see that, but I'll remember to watch it if I ever get the chance.

This entry brings uptight, conservative republicans, to mind, Cat...

~Brian  @---->---

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it, but feel strongly about this too.  I just hope that we can change the minds of our children so they don't grow up thinking that we are the better race...I started very young with Josh teaching him that we are all equal, no matter what the color of our skin is, our religion, our disabilities...we are equal.  


Anonymous said...

I see shit like that and it bothers me too...

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are still things like this going on today in many countries -- their governments are just better at lying about it now... also, sad, but true!

~Miss O

Anonymous said...

We watched the finale episode last night, also.  How sad it was the way it was back then.  I think it didn't have to be like that.  My great grandmother on my father's side was 50% American Indian.  

"I hope any person in my family who was a biggot, racist, or discriminator, or had any part in destroying Indians or slavery.... is rolling over in their grave.  If I find out there were any, I'll go and spit on their tombstone....."  

I couldn't have said it any better than this, Cat!  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Amen sista!

Anonymous said...

It is a very accurate telling but as one who is white AND native let me point out that WHITE didn't do these things...EVIL did.  There were good white people then, it's just the evil outnumbered them.  Why?  There were riches involved.  Land, money, generally brings out the worst people when its offered in vast amounts.  The good hearted white people are never spoken about.  My white great grandparents consisted of the Grand Dragon of the KKK in southern Indiana and his wife, the person who gave the Indian and Black people warnings of the upcoming attacks and vandalism (in secret...publically she was a bigot).  His daughter, my grandmother, was disowned when she skipped school one day and married a full blood Cherokee.  I hope Grandpa Cole is still spinning in his grave and that Grandma Cole is watching from Heaven.

Anonymous said...

I have missed this one, but I agree with you totally.