Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Should I stay or should I go.....

I have no idea which way I am going.  I am against the ads.  I love it here.  It makes for a hard decision.... for me, anyway.   

Yes, I made a new journal.  Mostly acting in haste, which usually doesn't lead to good things....  

I like the idea of moving my place to UK.  I have always wanted to live abroad, even if it means doing it virtually ;)  Here's the link, if you want to try it.  They do not have ads.... yet.  

Then, there is our dear Jimmy.  Who always helps us to find the humor in tough situations.  Click below to see just what I mean.  Thanks, Stupid!  You did real good :)  I so needed the laugh....    

Lastly, there is this.  See, I left a comment at Magic Smoke asking the one question I needed answered.  Why? (It's my favorite word, like a 5-year-old... lol!)  

So, Sir Omar, sent me this article in response.  Please notice the date:  November 2, 2005.  The link follows....  

300 an Hour!

NOVEMBER 02, 2005

11:30 AM - AOL's got problems. Even with a huge boost in ad revenues, the online service can't stop people from heading to the exits. The new VOIP services and other fancy add-ons aren't even making a dent in the mess that AOL has become.

AOL revenues declined by $100 million, to $2 billion for the quarter, even though it saw a $71 million increase in ad revenues. The company saw its subscription revenues fall by $175 million. From the press release:

As of September 30, the AOL service totaled 20.1 million U.S. members, a decline of 678,000 from the prior quarter and 2.6 million from the year-ago quarter. In Europe, the AOL service had 6.1 million members, a decrease of 98,000 from the previous quarter and a decline of 170,000 from last year's quarter.

For a business of any size to lose 678,000 customers in three months -- that's more than 300 subscribers an hour -- you have to be doing something wrong. Maybe everything.

Phil Harvey, Numbas Editor, Light Reading


It explains part of it.  Revenue is down, have to raise it.  I get that.  But that happens to all businesses at one time or another.  (My issue is while AOL's revenue has dropped by 100 million dollars, they still made 2 BILLION!)

There are <insert six million dollar man theme song> better, cheaper, faster ISPs out there now. 

What did AOL/Time Warner expect?  To stay on top forever? 

Sorry, fellas, it just doesn't work like that in the business world. 

Besides, usually, when it does, it is deemed a monopoly... just ask Bill Gates.

I don't know which way I'm going yet, but I hope my readers and known lurkers know I will keep you posted and informed wherever I may set up camp  :)  Unless you'd rather not....



Anonymous said...

That's why I sat back and took a deep breath and just let it all sink in.  I didn't want to make any decision I would have probably regretted.  I hate those banners...but I knew why they were doing it.  I have read simular articles like the one you posted.  It's all interesting...but they sure hurt a lot of people in the process.  I wonder how many they actually lost today and yesterday with all of that...but I am sure we will never see those numbers.  
It is a lot to think about.  
I really hope you don't leave...
Go UK!!!  ;)


Anonymous said...

I don't want you to go :o(
I would follow you and read your journal elsewhere, as I would with all the US journals that I read that have moved recently, but it wouldn't be so easy without alerts.  Think about it before making a decision m'dear.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I visited Jimmy's journal...that was so funny!!!!!!!!

What??? that was dated nov. 2??? wth?!!!  That there is just enough to prove the way they are!

Yeah, its the million and billionares that are the most selfish with their money!!!  


Anonymous said...

It is no wonder they are losing subscribers.  People are forever telling me my e-mail was sent back to them.  That and the fact that you can go NetZero, Earthlink any of those companies that are advertising all over the TV for 1/2 the price of AOL.  I like AOL's setup but that is because I have become used to it.  There are no pop ups from anyone but AOL and that I like.  Maybe they should cut the price of their service to match the others!!  Now there's an idea!!  When ther competition lowers their prices and you are losing customers to them what would be the smart thing to do??  DUH!!  Business Management 101 here folks!!
I really hope you stay!!

Anonymous said...

See how much we have in common ??????????

You have always wanted to LIVE abroad......................

And I have always wanted to date a broad...............

he he he he

Anonymous said...

Heck even 10 years ago everyone thought AOL was crap.  AOL has born the brunt of techy jokes for years because it's so simple....anyway, what's my point....damn.

Maybe AOL should focus more on their product than the packaging.  If they made it more efficient and kept the users not the sponsers in mind they might actually keep customers.  Most people sign up for the free trials over and over and never pay for it, it's widely known to swipe one of the million free AOL cd's from someone's mail to keep your free accounts.  If they want folks to stay, they really need to give us good reason.  I don't see any difference now between AOL and AIM, so I don't see the need to keep paying for it.  That's what my stink is about, why pay for something that everyone else gets for free?


Anonymous said...

I have always found that the best way to drive your business into the ground is to disregard your very customers. AOL should get a VIVI for that one...

Thanks for the "plug" and the kind word, Cat.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cat...I moved one of my journals but not the book club one. I am not sure if I really want to move it yet. I think it is pathetic that we have to even discuss this issue but what can you say. AOL are making some really dumb moves.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.  Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

No No NO...

I can't keep up with
everyone who is moving :(

Stay Stay Stay!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Jenn...
Stayyyy Pweese =)