Monday, January 23, 2006

Good thing...

I can't believe its been over a week since I've written here.  Not that things haven't been going on, just guess they were not mind numbing enough to write about.  

Let's see.  Last Monday at work, it was so friggin bad, that I decided that night not to go to work on Wednesday.  So, I played hooky and I had a good time :)  Today, I found out that half the stuff I do, didn't get done last Wednesday~like 4:30 diaper changes! 

We change the kids after naps, around 2:30.  Most of the kids aren't picked up until 5:30.  Many are after snack poopers, too.   I cannot believe no one got in trouble for that.  I really cannot believe that the anal parents we have, didn't bitch about it.  Oh well, whatcha gonna do?  I was sick <cough, cough>  

I had a parent/teacher conference at Grace's school last week that went very well.  Grace was the only one in her class (of 12) who knew right from left.  We've been teaching her since she could talk.  You know, give me your right foot when putting shoes on, right arm when getting dressed, etc....   

Her teacher had a problem with Grace using scissors.  She doesn't cut shapes out very well with her right hand, so I told her teacher to tell Grace to switch hands, and she did it almost perfectly.  So, I now know she has inherited my ambidextrous ability~YEA!  It has helped me out alot, especially when I hurt a hand (don't ask ;)  

I watched my Steelers stomp all over Denver in Mile High!  Big Ben is heading to the Super Bowl (is that one word or two?).  I imagine Peyton is a tad jealous on that, considering its only Roethlisberger's second year.... 

I'm just not sure of what the Colt's problem is, but I'm sure the month off didn't help the starters.  It could be Dungy, after all his record is zilch for post season play.  After he left Tampa, the Bucs went to the big game the following year.....  Food for thought.  

There is no question, we have the talent and the ambition.  We simply cannot get there.  Next season calls for some changes to the Colts' lineup anyway.  Free agents and all.....   Anyway, Pittsburgh versus Seattle in Denver.  You know which side of the line I stand.   

In other news, today was #2's birthday.  #1 called me last night and told me that #2 was in the hospital because she had two arteries that were 80% blocked which caused her some chest pain.  I think this happened Thursday afternoon.  So, she'll be off for two weeks after stents and/or catheterization.  Ummm, two weeks?  After heart surgery?  Okay...... most people aren't released for 6 weeks.  

When I heard that she would be off, I have to say that I was happy to not have to deal with her.  I am so terrible.  But when she comes back, she will do even less work than she does now.  Maybe they'll move her to an infant room.  They get to sit most of the time, holding babies :)  

Everything else is going on as usual.  Which I view as a good thing....  

Take care, guys :)  



Anonymous said...

My grandmom just had a triple by pass done, was released a week later and was walking around the hospital 4 days after the surgery, so it may not be that bad, not 6 weeks I don't think, than again... they are not SUPPOSED todo anything dramatic for awhile, that I know. Hope that all works out for you.

Congrats on the going to the SuperBowl, even though I despise Steeler's, i wish you well, hehe


P.S. nice to hear Gracie is doing well in school =)

Anonymous said...

Been missin you....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are back!!  I sure have missed you!  I'm glad you had a good day playing hookey!!  LOL!!  Lucky you not having to work with #2!!  But let's hope that it is not all pitty party me when she gets back!!

Anonymous said...

Yippee Kitty is back :)

Hey, sometimes a day of "sick" *cough cough*
does the body good!!

Glad to see you back...


Anonymous said...

Hey, everyone deserves sick [cough, cough] time! *wink* ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got a good report on Grace!  YAY!!  :)  
I hope you are feeling better!  <winks>  Playing hooky is a good thing once in a while ;)  Glad you had a good day!  

Have a good rest of the week!


Anonymous said...

Hey there!!  So nice to catch up on my journal reading.  I am so slow getting around and have 601 alerts!  Glad to hear Grace is doing well in school and you had a good conference.  Go Steelers!  We are true Pittsburgh fans in this house!!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

yeah, hopefully we'll see some changes in the colts next year.  i hope they keep edge..and i kinda want them to dump Vjagt.  I dunno, he's always been a trash talker and i can't believe he missed that f'in kick.  Pey needs to tighten up and work on his running game a bit.  I think a lot of it had to do with the time off and the ordeal with dungy's son.

glad you had a nice day off :)
sounds like Grace is gonna be at the head of the class~
have a great rest of the week :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ok, I admit I was cheering for Denver, but your team certainly deserved it, without question!!!! Playing hooky is a good thing sometimes <thats what I'm doing today>

Wishing you well!!