Saturday, January 14, 2006

Holding my breath....

So, the Seahawks are in for another week.  I'm watching the AFC game now, hoping that Plummer feeds Brady some humble pie in Mile High ;)   We have hope for a no-Patriot Super Bowl!  A girl dreams on..... It's been a good game, regardless.   

I am preparing myself mentally for tomorrow's AFC game.  I've forewarned some I'm playing both sides. I have to.  I've been a Steelers fan since the 70's, and I despised Dallas then.  And the Dolphins ;)   

The Colts are the hometown team.  Nuff said.  I believe those guys deserve to make it to the big game and win, though.  Let's hope fate is on the same page....  

With three minutes left in the 2nd quarter, NE leads 3-0.  THREE to NOTHING, people!  A very, very evenly matched contest :)  I love close games....  

I'll wait it out and keep my fingers crossed for that pie ;)  



PS~Broncos just recovered a fumble :)


Anonymous said...

ENUFF SAID............
Wait, ......... they didnt get homefield advantage this year.
Nevermind, retract my previous statement... he he he

Anonymous said...

ENUFF SAID............
Wait, ......... they didnt get homefield advantage this year.
Nevermind, retract my previous statement... he he he

Anonymous said...

cat, i was watching that game but i had to turn it to the hockey game. ha ha....

you do know that the superbowl means nothing without the raiders there. it is science, you can't argue with science....

have a great evening, smile.....dave

Anonymous said...

oh yeah.  brady and bruschi.  hang your heads and walk away from the spotlight!  how you like dem apples?!  dude, i just love when they show them on the sidelines with that 'WTF' look on their faces.

we definitely wanted NE out...and was kind of hoping the skins would take the seahawks..but yeah, knew tht wouldn't happen..just want to make these last games smooth so we can get indy to the bowl!

i just read about harper this morning...did you hear?!  stabbed in the leg by his wife...several stitches, probably won't play.  not a biggie, but a downer for team morale.

I've never liked Dallas..being from Skin-town we grew up hating them..and the Giants.  Still don't like the Giants..or the Cowboys.  Now, I can hang with a dolphin fan, long as they can rip em like Williams ;)~

That recovery for the Broncos was incredible!!!!  I hit my head on the ceiling fan jumping on the couch and Chris woke Pey up screaming and i had to beat him!  That was a spine cracking hit he took..OW.

********GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!*********
lol...sippin out of my colts mug :)

Anonymous said...

OK that was my crappy ending to a perfect day!  I came home just in time to watch the final 4 minutes of the Skins - Hawks game and was crushed!  ARGH!  My undying loyalty to the Stinking Skins goes without reward again this year!  Oh well sooner or later they have to win - right??  Just say yes and make me feel better!!
Go Colts - hate the Steelers!

Anonymous said...

yea yea yea.. Steeler's won again... Sorry sweets but i hate the Steeler's, hehe and I am the Dallas fan that you hate, LOL... Good Luck next week =)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I wonder of the Steeler's will pull it off this week for y a. Nae's Daddy is a big Steeler's fan too =) Good luck Sweets!
