So Bush wins the presidency........ four more years. I'm disappointed, but it gives John Edwards (who I voted for in the primaries) four years to gear up.
I also hope we keep a scrutinizing eye towards Washington. Since Bush and Company have nothing to lose now. Bush told a fellow Republican Congressman "the time to accomplish your agenda is now", meaning the Republicans have complete control to pass their agenda.
Pay attention to the Surpreme Court Justices..... too many conservative judges can cause reversals or changes to issues you may feel strongly about.
Do not let Social Security get privatized. I'm sure the employees of Emron counted on their retirement money, too. Numbers can be changes and rearranged... I know I am an Accountant. We can make things look great on paper.
Do not stop paying attention to non mass media news, like BBC, some type of world news not bound to the US. Our media here is very biased. Those stations abroad don't have to worry about sponsorship monies (commercials), etc., so they are most likely to be truthful.
Don't be surprised if we are in Iraq permanently. They can elect a President, but unless he is Shia' ite (the majority in Iraq), there will always be attempts on his life. If a shia is chosen, the Sunnis won't rest.... it is a no-win situation.
Don't be surprised if things like the economy and job loss get worse. Most true-blood republicans don't have to worry about money... its all in the family.
My prediction of 4 more years is more homeless, less welfare money, more debt (if that's possible), worse public schools, more jobless, and more unwanted babiesbeing abandoned (if Roe V Wade gets reversed). But its ok.... I've always liked a good challenge. Besides, I've got family on four other continents I can run to if it gets real bad.
I hope my predictions are wrong. I truly do. If Bush can redeem himself in the next four years for his blunders of the past.... his time to prove that is now.
May God have mercy on us if he doesn't.
It a sad day......
Someone get the lube because we're all gonna need it as we are BENDING OVER AND TAKING IT IN THE ASS for four more long long years....
I agree with your predictions and add one of my own. WW3. Its coming...
I think your conclusions are right on the money...well I guess the lack of money....Nonetheless...people will see that you are right. I already know it. Very intelligent entry.
Amen! I just hope we can get thru the next 4 years without more innocent people dying, here and abroad. There were innocent people in Iraq that did not deserve what happened to them.
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