Friday, March 18, 2005

Friday Day...

I took the child to Sharkie's today to eat some pizza and play some games.  We were the only ones in the place (I happen to love that~you feel rich... in a 'they close the store to everyone but you' sort of way  ; )  

She was okay, insisted on climbing on the games~she's into hiding places now.... and the basketball shooting game made the perfect one.  Though she climbed on every one of them just to be sure.  I told her nicely, more than once (I know, you're all shocked).... then we just had to leave.  

She did eat some pizza and breadsticks- without a fight- before we left.  Well, she would take a bite, run into the playroom to climb more, come back for another bite and so on....   

I got her a stuffed bunny from the machine with all the toys and the grabby thing that drops down.... you know which one I mean.  After two attempts to get her the dog that she wanted, that is.  It was wedged down (or tied down as my ex would tell me).   

I played Galaga and Ms. PacMan a few times.  Made me feel old that it had a sticker reading Retro-game~20th anniversary...... I swear it was just a few years ago!  Grace was pounding away on the button with me (it was a button that didn't interfere with my game.. lol) helping to 'kill all the bad guys'.   

She's been really into death and killing here lately... so I'm thinking she's absorbing adult TV when we think she's not paying attention.  ER, West Wing, Charmed (yep~she's vanquished some demons....... aka her dinosaur collection).   

Dad watches the old cowboy movies and just old movies and we both watch The History Channel.  So, I know she's heard the terms.  What's the normal age kids start talking about it while playing?  It's an aggressive sort, too.  I'm not liking it at all.   

I know she's got my temper.... that I got from my Dad..... it's much fun with the 3 of us get going at each other.  And she puts up a fight and stands her ground, which I think will come in useful at some point in her life, but not at 3 1/2........  

We stopped for ice cream on the way home (Ritter's frozen custard~yum).  I was already bad eating pizza, why not just go all out... I'll just have to workout a little longer tomorrow.  Today was 58 F outside and sunny... and I even saw some blooms of purple : )  Tomorrow it is calling for rain.... maybe, just maybe Spring has finally sprung.....  

Speaking of tomorrow, Grace's friend, Bailey, is coming over to play with her.... that should be fun.  Bailey is 6, and watches over Grace like a big sister... or a little mom  :)  She's an only child, too... nice for them both to have a friend with something in common....  

Then the church where Grace attends preschool is having their Easter Egg Hunt from 2-4, but I don't know what will happen if it's raining.  Maybe they'll move it indoor, there is room.... who knows.... we may not go at all.  It'll depend on when Bailey leaves and if Grace takes a nap.  

Picture from Hometown

That about wraps up my day..... hope yours was a good one, too.....  



Anonymous said...

Could have been worse, could have been better, but I don't ask for much.

Gracie sounds like your typical 3 1/2 year old, to me.  It get's worse before it gets better.  

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gracie reminds me so much of my niece Chelsea, who is also a bi-racial child.  The times I baby sat and picked her up from day care when she was Gracie's age...oh Lord she wore me out!!! LOL!  Bedtime was always a battle.  She's 15 now and sister tells me she's easier to deal with as a teen.  Imagine that!  Well, so far...

So, your playing the 'Lime in the Coconut' song.  Everytime I use my Coconut Lime Verbena stuff from B&BW, I think about that song, cuz there's a lime inside a coconut on the packaging.  :)   Have a good, restful weekend, Cat.  ~Dona

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two had a pretty good day!  : )  
I hope the rain holds out for the Easter egg hunt!  
And, have fun being with the girls tomorrow!!  

Anonymous said...

Lovely Gracie pic :o)
I know exactly what you mean about those machines with the toys and grabby thing!!  You never get what you're grabbing for, never!!
Looking at Grace's pic, I can't imagine that pretty little girl being into death and killing, lol, how looks can fool you ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

she's such a cutie!  Pey went through a 'violent' stage a few years ago, she'd make everything 'dead'.  Tougher than that was when she started to say she was gonna kill herself when she didn't get her way.  Broke my heart.  But, eventually it subsided....and when her Papaw died that ended all 'killing' talk.  I think it's kind of normal, maybe just thought of more normal in boys that play 'cops & robbers'  Grace is a good egg, I'm sure it'll phase out :)