Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm giving in only for a moment....

Alright, I have skirted and skated around this issue... because there are many opinions... all believing their way is right.  And because I have my opinion, too.... and yeah, I also believe I'm right.  

So, in the case of Terri Schiavo.....  All I am going to say is this:  

For the love of God, if we learn anything from this case other than hatred and bitterness towards other's opinions, it is this....  

1.  Tell your loved ones of your wishes right now, while you are healthy!   

2.  Put that in writing, get it notarized (because it has to be legal).  

3. And tell everyone who may have an opinion for your care, should you be in a similar situation.  

This thing has gone way too far out-of-hand!  

And that's all I've got to say about that...  


PS~ For an update on Zach, go here....


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with ya!!  

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that it's to the point of ludicrousy now. I just wish they would let the poor woman go peacefully. It really HAS been so very long....
I don't know what else to say.
HUgs & Blessings Cat ;o)

Anonymous said...

I THINK THE WHOLE THING IS VERY SAD, AND WAY OUT OF HAND.. The woman and her husband had talked about it, as most of us have with our spouses (we now know to put it in writing) I just hope they are not going to re-insert and remove the feeding tube over and over again, every time a different judgement is given...I think that is more cruel, and actually might do more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

yeah dude, totally.
I KNOW for a fact that my mom, if allowed to decide how my body is handled after I die, would NOT follow MY wishes.  She's told me that I will NOT be cremated, which is what I want.  I made sure to tell EVERYONE and put it down in writing in many places and periods in my life.  It's really important to think out what you'd want to happen, this is a perfect example.  I don't know where I stand on Terri's specific case, but frankly not one ounce of my opinion matters...nor should the governments.  this is a family issue and I think the only 'legal battle' they should have at all would be a custody hearing between the parents and husband.  it's not the country's overall vote that should decide her fate.  UGH.  

I believe you are right.

Anonymous said...

It's gotten way out of hand...this happens everyday across the world, and it doesn't get reconized, what makes this case so special?!?!?  

Anonymous said...

I think that Terri Schiavo should die when God decides,not when her neglectful ex husband decides.I believe Terri did not have a living will so just who does play God?Hopefully not the despicable Michael Schavo.He abandoned her years ago so why does he not just concentrate on his new family and let those that love her care for her?Such a sad case .

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking alot about this too. I totally agree with you. Huggs Brandie

Anonymous said...

Amen dear Cat, true words of wisdom.