Monday, October 18, 2004

An apology...

To the people who have me on alert for entries, I apologize.   I am somewhat fanatical when it comes to correct spelling (again with the 'obsessive'  part).   So, when I post my entries and find an error, I must go back and fix it.  Which would explain why you may get 3 or 4 alerts to the same entry.  It also seems that although I type in paragraphs, sometimes when saved, the entries go into one long spiel.....I cannot have this.  I type it paragraphs, I want it that way.      So, again, I'm sorry to those who get several entry alerts for the same one.  I will say, sometimes if AOL is being uncooperative, I will just let 1 or 2 things go, but I still notice them and think about it.  I'm learning restraint...I think my J-Land buds will overlook the errors and read the message without thinking 'this chikie can't spell'  ... lol.   Cat


Anonymous said...

yikes!  I apologize too then cuz I do that all the time, especially if pictures are added!  Boy I must be annoying!

Anonymous said...

oh, perfectionist me does this also!  I have never noticed this with you.

Anonymous said...

Let's not even get on the subject of spelling. I think my journal is shout when it comes to that. But I still read yours just the same. It doesn't stop me from reading :-)