Thursday, October 7, 2004

Weekend Assignment #28

Weekend Assignment #28: The United States Congress (or appropriate legislative body in the country in which you live) has vested in you the power create exactly one National Holiday, celebrating anyone or anything you want, no questions asked. What is the name of your holiday, what does it celebrate, and how should we celebrate it?

One Rule: It can't be a holiday that honors someone who already has a holiday. Share the wealth, people.

Extra credit: Name the holiday that already exists that you'd like to see have a higher profile.

Since my first choice was taken by Mr. Scalzi himself (although I called it National Election Day and he called it Voting Day), my second choice holiday would be National Single's Day.

National Single's Day would be for all the single people in the country.  It would be a day for single people to be happy about being single.  I don't know if a day off work would be granted, so it could fall on a Saturday and all the local pubs would hold parties.

Extra Credit:  I think Flag Day should be honored more heartily.


Anonymous said...

What a grand idea. People who are single, especially those with children, can have such a tough time meeting others and getting out I think it should be a day off. Businesses could have "specials" for singles, coupons, food, beverages & all. Community centers could hold singles events consisting of all sorts of fun and games... including special care for children of single mum & dad. Love it!

Please feel welcome to visit my journal and read about my choice for a National Holiday and leave a comment. Warm regards.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your extra credit!!  TOTALLY!!