Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Supreme Court Nominations

This is a quick note about one point of importance in the elections.  The next President will appoint new justices to the Supreme Court.      At tonight's debate, Bush said he has no Litmus test for his nominees... and he is correct.  Because he knows his choices would be conservatives (and most likely agree with what Bush does.... that's how it goes).  We have very important issues at stake in addition to the economy, the war, the deficit..... we need to decide on gay marriage, Roe V. Wade (there are rumors), 'Under God' being taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance (though it was not in the original version), and other issues I just can't recall right now.   At least Kerry said he would not change any Constitutional decisions.  Bush never said he would not.  More later... I need sleep.   Cat


Anonymous said...

I have some pretty srong opinons on gay marriages. I think they should be given the chance just like everyone else. I don't think that it is biblical but that is not for me or any other human to judge. It's cool with me because they don't have to answer to me. You are right about the issues that we have to get straight. I think Kerry came in at a good time. Alot of ppl don't care what the issues are they just want Bush out. Which I guess is good for some but for me I am trying to pay attention to everything.

Anonymous said...

I was raised by a Catholic, and have fought it every step of the way.  53 years old my Mom is, and she can't except gay marriages, I totally disagree, you love who you love, and no one should have a say on it.  A gay marraige is better than one the ends up in misery............