Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Halloween came early.....

Gracie had her Halloween party at preschool today.  They were sooo cute!  Sad news though of her best friend, Adharsh, moving last week.  Those two were like glue and defended each other if needed.   

His parents are from India, but he was born here.  He was adorable, but not very socialized.   The time we took them to the park, Adharsh acted like he had never been to a playground.  He didn't know which thing to try first.... funny, but kind of sad.      Anyway, here's some pictures:

      Having treats  

 Gracie is the one with her hands up to her mouth.... lol  

 Chit-chat time.....  

I tried to get pictures of the costumes and the games, but those didn't turn out... must have had the cam on a wrong setting.....   I'll get a good one of her costume on the actual day..... she makes for a cute peasant girl :)  

Til next time.....  



Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww  they are just adorable.  Sad that the pair are being divided....maybe one day they will be reunited...

Anonymous said...

Awww...how cute is that!!!  :)

Anonymous said...

Those pics came out good though, that looks like a really nice school.  The ones around here are over 50 years old!  Cant wait to see Halloweenie pics!

Anonymous said...

aww, a party!  So sad about the separation :-(