Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Saturday Six....

Patrick's Saturday Six, go play.....  

1. What is the last product or service you tried just because you saw a commercial that impressed or amused you about the product?  Did you like the product or service after you tried it?  Nads~hair removal.  It is okay as far as those products go, but I haven't bought more....

2. How old is the oldest photograph in your home?  The oldest is 1852 of one set of paternal great grandparents.  Are you in it?  Obviously not...

3. What is the most supernatural event you have experienced?  Some people know this already... but I get flashes of events occurring.  Not from anything or anyone specific, it just happens know and then.  And it could be past, present, or future happenings.  I also feel my great grandma and my grams spirits here sometimes.  (they both passed away in our house) 
Did you feel there was a specific reason that it happened to you?  I feel it happens because I'm receptive to the idea....

4. Do you usually consider the glass half-empty or half-full? I try to see it as half-full, but it really depends.....

5. What part or parts of your body do you shave regularly? Well, legs and armpits.... and sometimes another place (lmao~what made him ask this, I wonder~hmmm)

6. What day is typically your busiest of the week?   Monday~yuck!What day are you usually the happiest?   Friday, especially pay day Fridays :)  What day are you usually the saddest?  Never a particular day....


Anonymous said...

A kink revealed, perhaps? (Squirt!).

'Patrick, Raw'... That'll be his next journal.

I love it... [:P]

~Brian  @---->---

Anonymous said...

oh, there's no sometimes about it here!  it all goes...well almost all ;)~

Anonymous said...

ya, I"m wondering why he asked that shaving question too??!!


Anonymous said...

  As always a day late and a dollar short.