Friday, October 22, 2004

I still believe....

I'm shocked and I don't know why.  I know the internet is chock full of pests and predators.  I just never thought it would be here, in J-Land.  This hasn't happened to me personally, but it seems to have driven some people to either make their journals private or delete them altogether.     


I may be opening a can of worms, but it sure wouldn't be the first time I have, or the last.  What is the purpose of parody?  Is someone so envious-jealous-devious that they would emulate another person's blog?  Whats the point?  To mock them?  Make them feel bad?  I guess the 'mocker' just needs everyone to feel as low as they are..... I'm sorry, I just don't get it.     


So, J-Land is saddened by the loss of some public members but wrongs have a way of being righted.  Then they will return to us knowing that we stood, as a community--a family, to rid our neighborhood of this trash.  Something that isn't even done in our own lives anymore.      Yes, the internet is full of mean, hateful, insensitive, conniving, dreadful scoundrels.  But I still believe in the good people I find here.  


Carry on, old chap.......      




Anonymous said...

I am sorry but if that person is so hypersensitive as to pull their work off the net because someone parodies them then I think that is a real test of their fortitude and one that they seem to have got a whomping F and that is not for Fantastic! The need to realize that there are pests and pirates out there and just get on with life, get over themselves and get a grip! This is life not heaven!  

Anonymous said...

Wow I would like to comment on your other comment before me but I don't want to make waves as everyone is entitled to their opinion even when its wrong!  I still believe too and I support Amy's decision whole-heartedly when it comes to her family especially her child.  There are still a lot of good people left here in JLand and we all pulled together for the sake of our friend.


Anonymous said...

I applaud you Cat!!  I am lucky enough I only heard this thru the grapevine, but was sickened tho hear what had happened and that people can take the fun out j-land...I feel so sorry for those involved.  It's just a shame that it had to happen and I am saddened for those who felt the could no longer continue because of the evil on the net.  
::::standing up and applauding:::

Anonymous said...

Don't know what is going on, but my prayers are with all involved.  So sad that someone is hateful and so sad that someone can't be in J-Land because of someone's hate.  May they be able to return.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know all the details of what is going on...  I guess it depends on the nature of the parodies.  If it is done in good fun that is one thing and really shouldn't be a big deal...but if its malicious, the easiest way to make them stop is to ignore them if possible.  

I wouldn't go private because the whole point of a public blog is to share with the public...not cut them off.

Anonymous said...

Woo~Hoo! You go girl! You know as well as i do that i have been affected by this type of behavior personally, coming from my sil! She has most people around here fooled. But it will all come back on her in the end! GOD sees ALL!
I  ***applaud you***  girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling and it is great that you have spoken out on this. At first I couldn't understand it either but it is just as you said they want us to feel as low as they do but TO BAD SO SAD for them we are the champions and no one can stop us!!